Monday lit circle: Chapter One of A Land More Kind than Home


Note: This week’s post may contain spoilers.

Throughout my busy week, I managed to read the first chapter of A Land More Kind than Home and I already have to say I’m hooked!  I found myself wishing I brought it with me to work today so I could read during lunch.  It’s an interesting book and definitely different than the books I normally read but I’m already intrigued by the plot.

This first chapter was narrated by an older woman by the name of Adelaide Lyle, which I thought I’d find boring but was actually intrigued because she tells a story about her congregation and how it changed after the beloved pastor died from cancer.

It’s an interesting aspect to see Lyle’s point of view because of how much she is against the new pastor because of some of the things he’s done since he became the pastor of her church.  He made huge changes, a lot of which she doesn’t agree with, which led to a serious confrontation in front of a church that Lyle swore she’d never go back into.

Overall, great first chapter of a book.  I’ve read some books that take a while to get into, but this one I was hooked right away, which was really refreshing.  I honestly can’t wait to read the rest of it!

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