Friendly Friday: The light at the end of a tunnel


I have some wonderful people in my life.  I’ve always known that, but recent events have really brought this to my attention.

These past couple of weeks have been hard on me, my boyfriend and his family for various reasons, but every time something bad happens, someone steps up and we get some good news.

Out of respect and courtesy to my boyfriend and his family, I won’t get into exact specifics of what is going on, but one of the great things that some friends of the family are doing for us as a present and not as a loan is getting us a storage unit, which is helping lift some weight off of my boyfriend’s shoulders.  We never approached them for help.  They came to us.

He also had the rough responsibility of giving his dog away.  He tried everything in his power to keep her, obviously, but the odds were unfortunately against him and that was the best thing for his dog.  But the people who took her today are amazing.  They’re a laid back married couple with five kids who are looking to move into a big house with a fenced in yard (aka they already looked at 3 houses and are looking at more).  They recently fell into some money somehow and had some extra cash and so it was perfect timing for the dog to fall into their hands.  They’re already taking her on walks and runs (because she’s overweight, to be completely honest) and playing with her and getting her hair cut.  She gets along with the cats they have and with their five kids which is perfect.  And the husband works third shift while the wife works first so someone will always be there and taking care of her.  So it’s honestly an ideal place for her to be in, since she can’t stay in the family.  What’s even better is that they were friendly enough to invite us into their home today to show their kindness and prove that they’re going to take the best care of our family member that they can.  All of that meant the world to my boyfriend, and it was finally something positive to take out of this very negative situation.

Props to them for being the bright light at the end of a dark tunnel.  They were exactly what we needed, and what my boyfriend needed, to make things easier.  And that’s why they’re the subject of my friendly Friday today.