Special Sunday: Prepping for my new job


Hey everyone! I’m apologizing for not posting again yesterday. This whole week has been constant running around and barely getting back before 11 PM because of a lot of serious personal reasons.  I’m not using that as an excuse, but this week has been extremely stressful and I wasn’t able to use my creativeness to come up with a story yesterday.

Anyway, tomorrow I start my new job at a law firm as a transcriptionist and I’m extremely nervous!  Like the rest of the week, I’ve been running around all day so I haven’t had the chance to just relax and wind down and focus on tomorrow. I don’t even have my outfit picked out yet! It’s definitely nice to have so many options for outfits, but now I just don’t even know what to pick.

Despite being nervous, I’m very excited to start working tomorrow! I went out and bought a cute lunch tote at Target, along with healthy snacks to keep me energized throughout the day, and then a few plastic containers to carry said snacks/sandwiches/hot and cold foods in.  So that definitely makes it exciting.  I feel like a kid on their first day of school again.

I’m giving myself a whopping two hours to get ready in the morning just so I can make sure to have enough time to get ready slowly and take my time versus rushing around and barely making it there on time because that would obviously look terrible on my first day.  I have the option to either go in at 8 or 8:30 and I’m choosing 8:30 just so I have a little longer to sleep in.  Days where I don’t make my lunch and plan on getting it elsewhere I’ll have a little longer to sleep in which will be ideal and much needed.  Hopefully all of those healthy snacks will keep me energized and motivated.

Whenever I blog about the book I’m currently reading tomorrow, I’ll make sure to blog about my first day!  I’m so excited to meet my coworkers and to have a good first day there!