12 Random Facts About Me


In an attempt to make my blog more personal, check out the list below of random facts about me!

  1. I’m the youngest child of four, resulting in me being infinitely spoiled by my grandparents as a child and having to learn from my parents at a young age that I, in fact, cannot get everything that I want.
  2. Speaking of being the youngest, I always joke about getting the hand-me-down genetics.  To an extent though, I truly do believe it.  I’m only 5 foot half an inch, and I stopped growing in 8th grade.  My two brothers (the oldest two siblings) are both over 6 foot and my older sister is inches taller than me.  So, hand-me-down genetics, right?family
  3. Being the youngest influenced my parents to bless me with eight names.  Just kidding!  I only have four names but that still confuses everyone- one first name, two middle names, and my last name.  To make matters more confusing, I go by my second middle name.  How?  Two words- my grandma.  She was a saint and helped my parents with me when I was first born (remember, I’m the youngest so my parents were dealing with toddlers and a pre-teen) and she was really in love with the name “Emily,” so when push came to shove, my parents just threw that in after my other middle name because I was the last kid.  I have a hunch that as soon as I was born, my grandma immediately started calling me Emily and that’s how I became stuck with it.  It’s actually a pretty cool story.  Also to note, I have the same name as the royal toddler (Charlotte Elizabeth).  The only difference is the Emily vs. Diana as the second middle name, but I still think it’s pretty cool.
  4. I started karate when I was 11.  Chugoku Kenpo Karate, a Japanese style, that literally means “Chinese secret science of the law of the fist and empty hand.”  Also, I was one step away from black belt (in my style, that means a three-striped brown belt) and didn’t move forward to my black belt only because of timing (I was in college, it was difficult to cram all of the testing into summers and holiday breaks).  But I’m very close with my sensei and she’s like a second mom to me.  She’s the first person in the first row on the left.karate
  5. I have done other sports, too!  Karate was my first love, but running is a close second.  I did cross-country and track from middle school through college.  In fact, I just ran my first half-marathon in my hometown last weekend!

    Two hours and nineteen minutes later…

  6. And that handsome man in that picture is my fiancé, who I met in college and have been dating for four years, engaged for two, and who I’m getting married to in just 17 short days!  And in reference to my names that I listed earlier, I told Kyle I was going to hyphenate as a joke to just continue the ridiculous length of my name.engagement
  7. Speaking of weddings, I have a kickass pair of heels that I splurged on (treat yo’ self!) but I actually HATE shoes.  I mean I love the heels that I got and I really am looking forward to wearing them, but I hate anything being on my feet, unless they’re sandals where my feet can breathe.  (This means I hate socks, too!). As a side note, when I say “splurge” I really only mean like $60, which is WAY better than what I spend on running shoes (~$100) but it still doesn’t sit well with me to spend that much on one thing.
  8. I love walking and running and hiking and traveling to new places.  I’ve been to several states in the US, but I’ve also fortunately had opportunities to travel to England and Germany.  Next on my bucket list: Ireland, Italy, and Switzerland, hopefully!
  9. Here’s a weird one for you that I’m sure not many people can relate to: I HATE cheese.  Absolutely hate it.  Hate the smell, hate the taste, hate the texture.  I’m un-American (my fiancé’s words, not mine).  I’m not sure what happened.  I used to love Mac and cheese as a kid, along with cheesy pizza, but something clicked one day and I gagged when I bit into a previously thought delicious slice of Papa John’s pizza.  To the people who love cheese but cannot have it due to their digestive systems, I’m the worst, and I apologize for my un-Americanness.
  10. Speaking of weird things, I have an irrational fear of…..water.  Yep, you read that right.  Whenever I go into a pool, or an ocean, I have to stay in a level where my feet can always touch the ground.  I know what you’re thinking- can you swim, can you tread water?  I can do both of those things.  However, for whatever reason, the moment I’m in a body of water that’s deeper than neck level, I freak out because that’s when I have to be on tippy toes and any further I feel like I’ll drown.  You guys probably think I’m so weird by this point.
  11. But something that’s pretty cool and un-weird is my love for tattoos.  I love how the same designs (i.e. Harry Potter tattoos) can mean something completely different to another person, and I love how you can express what you’re feeling on your body.  I have two tattoos, and they’re both for my grandma on my dad’s side who passed away of lung/metastasized breast cancer.  She lived in Texas so I only met her a handful of times before she passed away, but she made a huge, positive impact on my life.  The first tattoo I got was a flower that was designed by my sister.  The second tattoo was from my favorite book, “Slaughterhouse-Five,” and it lists the famous quote, “So it goes…”  My sister and I got that one together in almost the same spot on our bodies.  She has also designed another tattoo from Slaughterhouse-Five with the quote “Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt” in remembrance of my grandparents on my mom’s side (yes, the grandma who gave me my name).  But that is a story for another time.tattoos
  12. Lastly before this post gets absurdly long, I clean when I’m upset.  Why?  I have no idea.  I supposed it relieves stress?  Any psychologists have any idea why I do this?


I’d love to learn about you!  Share a random fact (or several, if you wish), or even rant to me about my un-Americanness in the comments section.  I look forward to reading them!

24 and Thankful


“Do not regret growing older.  It is a privilege denied to many.”

Today I woke up a little happier, a little peppier, and a little more thankful for waking up than I do on a normal day.  And today isn’t a normal day- today at approximately 6:32 p.m., I turned 24.  But I want to illustrate that I’m not only happier/peppier/thankful because it’s my birthday, but because these past few weeks while gearing up for a medical malpractice trial, it has really put my life in perspective.

As a legal assistant/paralegal to medical malpractice lawyers, your main job is to summarize medical records and learning to balance that with your other duties such as scheduling, sending legal documents to courts, etc.  And these past few weeks, after summarizing medical records that pertained to the trial that I’ve been at for most of this week (yes, including today) really got me thinking.  There are so many people out there in the world, wishing for one more day, one more ice cream cone, one more dance, one more birthday, one more kiss, and here I am getting upset over mundane things that I won’t even remember in a year’s time.

My life is not perfect by any means: I’m not in the career field that I had dreamed of since I was 7 years old, I’m living paycheck to paycheck, and I tend to rack up medical bills for stomach issues that doctors can’t seem to figure out.  But despite these few negatives going on in my life, I have so many more positives to be thankful for.  For instance, as of today, I have spent 24 years on this Earth.  I have an incredibly loving and hilarious fiancé who I can’t wait to marry in June and who I’m lucky enough to wake up to each and every day.  We pay our bills on time and can afford a decent apartment.  I have so many wonderful friends and family members in my life, and so many of those people reached out to me today to let me know they were thinking of me.  I have parents who would bend over backwards for me and always talk me up when I’m feeling down.  And these are only a few of the great things happening in my life right now.

And as a 24 year old, I’m still trying to figure life out.  But that’s okay.  You’re not supposed to have life figured out while you’re in your twenties.  And even though I know that life will have its ups and downs, right now I should always focus on those positives I listed above.  Because there are so many individuals in this world who are struggling with finding a job, who are in terrible relationships, and who have parents who never put their children first (no matter the age).  And there are those who may not live another day, whose last breath may be today, due to diseases that still haven’t been cured.  I ache for those people, their friends and most importantly their families.  Today, I am thankful because, besides my irritating stomach issues, I’m a healthy 24 year old with a wonderful family, a loving fiancé, and a life that actually isn’t as bad as I make it out to be sometimes.  And I pray every day that I continue to grow old, because some other individuals aren’t so lucky.

So for this next year I spend on this Earth, I hope that my positivity continues to improve, I stop getting mad at the little things, and that I live life to the fullest instead of wishing my days away.

“Today is the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be again.”


The Age of Love or Self-Discovery?


As my 24th (yikes!) birthday approaches, it has become more apparent that all of my friends are in different places in their lives than I am.  For instance, some of them are married, some of them are focusing on their careers, some of them have kids out of wedlock, some are dating, and some are enjoying the single life and are focusing on their journey to self-discovery.  More so, I’m realizing that it’s OK to not be in the same place in my life that my friends are in theirs.  So why does society relate each of these lifestyles to a negative connotation when there is no “right” way to live?

  • Married: You’re too young to get married! You have your whole life ahead of you- don’t settle so young!
  • Focusing on career:  You’re only young once!  You need to have kids before you’re unable to due to age  OR  You should be out having fun!  Work shouldn’t take over your life!
  • Kids out of wedlock: You’re supposed to get married and then have kids…not the other way around. Didn’t you use protection?
  • Dating: Just be single! You’re too young to be tied down when you should be out discovering who you are!
  • Single life: Why aren’t you dating? Why can’t you get a boyfriend? You’re too pretty to not be in a relationship. All of your other friends have boyfriends.

I’m sure you get it.  But here’s the thing- every single person on this planet is unique- so why do we all have to be the same and act the same way and have the same exact ambitions at the same time of our lives? Remember that episode of The Fairly Odd Parents when Timmy wished to be like everyone else after being made fun of and everyone was a gray blob and it was boring? Exactly.

No one on this Earth share the exact same views, even if they are of the same religion. Some churchgoers would see having kids out of wedlock as a sin and would look down upon you for it. Some single men and women would look at engaged people who are young (i.e.: me) and laugh because they believe they’re ruining their lives when in reality those people (including me) believe that their fiancé’s are the best thing that has ever happened to them. People whose friends have kids without being married push them away and mock them for it, when in reality the friend who has the child needs a lot of emotional support from their friends to keep going.  And so on and so forth.

Bottom line: There is no right or wrong way to live your life- don’t let others’ negative opinions about your lifestyle change the way you live. Stay true to yourself. The only person you should ever change for is you.  But most importantly, remember that it is OK to not be at the same place in life as someone else your age because everyone is different, and that’s how it should be.

It Gets Better


You may not always end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you are meant to be. – Unknown.

Over these past few months, my life has taken many unexpected twists and turns.  When I reflect back on a year ago, it’s amazing to see how much I’ve grown and learned about myself within those twists and turns.  For instance, I was just a recent college grad who was struggling to make money as a server for a catering company at this time last year.  To anyone struggling at the moment, it’s important for you to know that it gets better.

It was about this time last year when I received an internship and a freelance writing position, both online, to help me move forward with my dreams.  The internship was short-lived (I learned quickly it wasn’t for me), but the freelance writing filled my heart with happiness as I was finally getting paid to do something that I love.

In December, I was on the phone with my dad hysterically crying about my life and how it was anything but what I expected life to be life after graduating.  I was physically worn out from working insane hours during the Holiday season at the catering company, and stressed due to the lack of articles the freelance writing company was giving me (I later found out they were going in a different direction with their freelance writing- but not before I sent them an e-mail a month later asking if they forgot about me.  Poor professionalism in my personal opinion.).  Sure, the part time job with bi-weekly paychecks and lenient bosses who approved of almost any time off that you requested was incredibly nice.  The hours, however, were not, especially in the slow periods of the year.  During the hustle and bustle of the fast-paced Christmas season, I knew that I needed to find a new path and as soon as possible.

My dad has always been one with words, and he gave me some great advice after listening to me cry for an hour.  He told me that I’m only 22.  I have my whole life ahead of me.  Accepting a job outside of my immediate field right away isn’t necessarily a bad thing- not only will I have a more solid paycheck, but I’ll be gaining experience.  He explained that I’m still young enough to get a job doing what I would like to do, as long as I never let it out of my sight and continue to work towards it.  Being so young allows a multitude of opportunities to present themselves as long as I’m willing to keep an open mind.  And that’s what I did.

It was then that I started creating multiple paths for myself.  I applied to Grad School, various jobs, and looked into employment agencies.  By February of this year, I had two interviews lined up through an employment agency and I was accepted into Grad School for a Master’s Degree in English.

The only way I could afford Grad School was if I received a Graduate Assistantship position.  Then, if I accepted one, the Grad School I was accepted to only paid a slim stipend of a maximum of $4,000 or $5,000 per year.

I never heard back about GA positions until May, when I already accepted a temp-to-hire position as a transcriptionist with a law firm in my area.  I debated whether I should accept it, but considering working part-time wasn’t cutting it anymore, I had to make the decision fast.  I compared the $4,000 to $5,000 stipend to my hourly wage, and taking the transcription position over going back to school seemed like the right path for me to travel down.

It’s now only a short-time later at the law firm and I’m full-time with benefits, and on top of that, two weeks ago I received my first “promotion.”  I’m no longer a transcriptionist- I’m now a legal secretary!  On top of that, the part of the firm I’m working with is a small medical malpractice who merged with us in May and are some of the greatest coworkers I’ve ever had.  It seems like it can’t get any better, right?

Wrong.  One of the attorneys in the med malpractice firm is not only encouraging me to follow my dreams as a journalist; he’s helping me find a way there.  A few days ago, he met with me and told me straight up that he wants me to do something that I actually love to do, not live day by day.  He told me that somehow he would help get me there, as long as I don’t mind being patient.  He has already presented an opportunity to me that could definitely help my future as a writer, but I don’t want to jinx anything before I know if it’s possible.

On top of all of the achievements in my professional world, my personal life has been getting better every day. I never thought I would fall in love with someone, especially at a young age, because of how self-conscious I was by always comparing myself to others.  I never thought my life would get any better in this aspect, but two years and some months ago, I was proven wrong all because a silly boy who was completely intoxicated just happened to land beside me on a couch at a sorority formal.

Fast forward to May 2015, when I went back to my Alma Mater to see my now boyfriend of two years graduate with both my family and his.  It was a great day as I was seeing old friends and faculty who will forever hold a special place in my heart.  Little did I know it was about to get better.

At my graduation, it hailed in 60 degree weather.  At my boyfriend’s graduation, it decided to downpour for a solid fifteen minutes which started shortly after he walked across the stage to receive his diploma.  We all ran for cover into the corridor of the main building on campus, called “Old Main.”  (Picture the outside corridors in Harry Potter– shout out to this blogger for capturing this beautiful view.)  I didn’t pay any mind to everyone gathering around me; I assumed it was all because of the rain, and that it was crowded because of the plethora of alumni, faculty, staff, family and students who had to somehow fit in the space to be sheltered from the storm.

Kyle ran to find his aunt who was lost in the sea of people, but I thought nothing of it because I knew we were all going out to eat after his graduation.  I spoke to my Alpha Xi Delta sisters and friends and family who were surrounding me about the rain, and how ironic it was that two years in a row we had awful weather for graduation.

Next thing I know, I see Kyle running up to me with a nervous expression on his face until he said my name.

“Emily,” he said as he got down on one knee.  “This is not how this was supposed to go because the rain ruined everything but I love you….will you marry me?”

I bawled.


Cried of happiness for a solid ten minutes.  Shaking and smiling and my stomach bursting with butterflies because I was overjoyed.


He made me the happiest girl in the world that day, and continues to make me happier every day that we’re together.  He’s one of a kind, that’s for sure.


Nothing about our relationship has been conventional, and that makes it all the better.  The fact that everything was so rushed and so quick- it was absolutely perfect.  He later told me during our long four hour drive home his actual plan- to propose by the fountain, his elaborate speech that he had been mentally preparing for days, weeks, months.  Everyone congratulated us afterwards and told me how they all knew for months, some even for as long as a year.  Even though I know I’m still young and that I have my whole life ahead of me, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that Kyle is the perfect guy for me.  I feel even luckier to find him at such a young age because that just means that I have longer to spend with him.

I’m thankful to have someone who pushes all of my insecurities aside, who makes me feel like the most loved person in the world, who will do anything for me, who makes me laugh almost every moment we’re together, who listens and gives so much to anyone and everyone around him without asking a thing in return and who proves to me every day that it/life gets better.

Here’s a picture of the fountain where he was going to propose (not taken by me- found on Google): fountain-450x300

To anyone who is struggling to find a job after graduation, who is bothered by their self-image, or is upset about anything else in life- it does get better.  I hope my story (and update on my life) can be accepted as proof.  If you would have told me two years ago that I would be working at a law firm while living with my fiance in an apartment in a town two hours from where I was born and raised, I wouldn’t have believed you, and I probably would have laughed.  However, I’m realizing now that, at this moment, this is exactly where I’m meant to be.