My October Goals/Bucket List


New month, new goals!  Too often do I find myself creating goals for myself, but I never write them down!  Instead, I end up remembering them a few weeks later and try pushing them off until the next month.  That’s about to change starting now!  Take a look at the list below for all of my goals I wish to accomplish this month.

  1. Incorporate more yoga into my fitness routine.stretching
  2. Write consistently on my blog.writing gif
  3. Read at least one book.reading
  4. Build my portfolio site.
  5. Gain 3 new followers.
  6. Exercise consistently.exercise
  7. Go to sleep earlier.sleep gif
  8. Have weekly date nights with gif
  9. Declutter and organize!
  10. Research for NaNoWriMo.

To add to my list of October goals, check out my October Bucket List!

  1. Watch 5 different Halloween movies.
  2. Carve pumpkins.    carve pumpkins gif
  3. Watch a horror movie.                             watch scary movie gif
  4. Go hiking.
  5. Eat S’Mores at a bonfire.
  6. Decorate for fall.    fall gif
  7. Buy a fall candle.
  8. Host or attend a Halloween Party.mouse gif
  9. Visit a pumpkin patch.
  10. Write Halloween-themed short story and post to my blog.

So what are your October goals and/or bucket list?  Feel free to share in the comments below!