Writing Prompt Wednesday: My Scar


“I think scars are like battle wounds- beautiful, in a way.  They show what you’ve been through and how strong you are for coming out of it.”

-Demi Lovato

So it’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to blog about a writing prompt from this book!  And I’m sure you can guess what my blog will be about today if you paid close attention to the Demi Lovato quote up above!

#8: How’d you get that scar?  Most everyone has a scar.  Talk about it as if you were about to get that scar for the first time.  Scar free?  Then you need to invent one!  Or talk about another person’s scar as if it was your own.

Note: I’m changing this prompt up a little bit, and you’ll understand why I’m not setting this story as if it were just happening once you read my answer.  I’m writing it as if I’m the person who has the scar.  PLEASE READ THE DISCLAIMER AT THE END.  IT’S IMPORTANT.


Ten years.  Ten years I’ve had this scar, and I’ve only recently found out the real reason behind it.  Ten years I was lied to by my scummy aunt and uncle, my only living relatives, who are anything but kind.  Ten years I’ve believed my parents were killed in a car crash and only recently did I find out that they were murdered and their murderer gave me this scar in the shape of a lightning bolt.  Ten years.

Apparently the murderer tried to kill me, too.  I don’t understand why.  I was just a baby at the time, so I’m not sure what I could have done to him.  Everyone says I’m the “Boy who Lived” and they bow down to me like I’m some hero.  Apparently I made him disappear.

Maybe soon I’ll understand the reason why I’m a hero, or why he killed my parents.  Maybe soon I’ll understand why I’m a hero to so many people.  Maybe soon I’ll understand why my scar will randomly burn and make me drop to my knees while screaming in pain.  Maybe soon I’ll understand why no one calls him by name and always refers to him as “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.”


Four years have passed, and now I’ve had this lightning bolt-shaped scar for 14 years.  So much has changed.  I now understand that I’m the “Chosen One” and that “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” is actually Voldemort.  I understand that a killing curse somehow didn’t kill me and instead made him weak.  But since then he has returned, though everyone refuses to believe me.  I now know the meaning behind my scar, and why the pain never goes away.  It burns more when he’s close to me or when he visits me in my dreams.

Now I’m creating an army- an army to defend my world against evil.  My parents were once a part of an army who fought against evil, along with some of my friends’ parents, and now I’m doing the same.  My friends at least believe me that he’s back, and that he and his followers are planning on killing.  We all know of the dangers.  We’re all reminded of the danger when we look at the scar laying upon my forehead.


16 years.  16 years this scar has pained me.  16 years this scar has defined me.  With this scar came hardships that no should have to go through, especially at a young age.  Everyone will be reminded of the potential evil in the world when they see the scar on my head, but I’ll only see strength, a difficult battle, and most importantly, good conquering evil.  And that’s what makes it beautiful.


Disclaimer: Now that you’ve read this, I’m sure you know what it’s about if you’re familiar with the story (who isn’t?!).  THIS IS NOT AN ORIGINAL STORY.  I don’t own any of the characters or names or the plot or anything.  I’m not trying to violate copyright.  I just wanted to write about this scar because this is the first scar I ever remember.  Sure, I have my fair share of scars from falling down due to clumsiness, but this scar and this character and this series of books not only changed my whole world, but also introduced me into the wonder of reading which I fell in love with while reading the first book in the series.  Thank you to the amazing J.K. Rowling for writing this series and allowing me to escape to a world that meant so much to me growing up, and giving me the opportunity to share the wonderment of this world with my kids in the future, whenever I should have them in the future.

Once again, I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING. (I mean the words are my own, but the words put together reflect back on the series, which obviously isn’t mine.)