31 Fun Activities To Do This October


Can you guys believe we’re already 5 days into October?  Where has the time gone?!  This year is definitely flying by.  To make the most out of your free time this month, I’ve created a list of all fall-themed activities you can do (almost) anywhere in the country!

  1. Visit a pumpkin patch.pumpkin patch
  2. Have a Halloween movie marathon.
  3. Write a scary story.
  4. Visit a haunted house.      haunted house gif
  5. Carve pumpkins.
  6. Go trick-or-treating or hand out Halloween candy.trick or treatingtrick or treating 2
  7. Have a sleepover with friends and tell scary stories.
  8. Go hiking.                                                      hiking
  9. Visit a state known for beautiful fall foliage.
  10. Bake pumpkin pies.
  11. Bake apple pies.
  12. Go on a hayride.                                                               hay ride
  13. Decorate for Fall.
  14. Craft a fall wreath.
  15. Go to a football game.                        football gif
  16. Jump in leaves.
  17. Toast pumpkin seeds.
  18. Go to a bonfire.
  19. Make S’mores.              smores
  20. Go to a corn maze.
  21. Go to a fall festival.
  22. Watch Hocus Pocus.hocus pocus
  23. Burn a fall scented candle.
  24. Buy a warm sweater.
  25. Eat Chili.
  26. Drink hot cocoa on a chilly night.                      hot chocolate gif
  27. Read a book.
  28. Get fall photographs taken.
  29. Go apple picking.
  30. Host or go to a Halloween party. halloween party
  31. Visit a cabin for a weekend getaway.

What is your favorite fall activity?  Is it on my list?  Let me know in the comments below!


10 Unforgettable Halloween Movies You​ Must Watch this October


It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  Brisk mornings, the feeling of leaves crunching beneath your feet, pumpkin-flavored everything and horror movie marathons streaming endlessly on the TV.  If you’re anything like me, you love bundling up in a warm blanket on the couch to enjoy the movie marathons playing throughout October.  If you’re having trouble deciding what to watch, check out the list below for Halloween-themed movies to get you into the Halloween spirit!

  1. Hocus Pocus: hocus pocusEveryone knows you can’t go wrong with this Halloween classic.  It’s a movie great for all ages that never grows old, much like the Sanderson sisters.  If you’re not the proud owner of the DVD, check it out on Freeform’s 13 Nights of Halloween.
  2. Halloweentown: HalloweentownWho, as a child, didn’t wish their mom and grandma were secret witches and a whole other world of creepy creatures existed?  Come on, I can’t be the only one!
  3. Rocky Horror Picture Show: rocky horror picture showDammit, Janet!  Bonus points if you go to a live showing and dress up!
  4. The Nightmare Before Christmas: nightmare before christmas A movie that’s about Halloween and Christmas?  What could be better?
  5. It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!: great pumpkin charlie brown A classic for all ages.
  6. Ghostbusters: ghostbustersBill-effing-Murray.  Enough said.
  7. Scream: screamA serial killer slasher movie is a must for October.
  8. The Shining: the shining What’s more Halloween-ish than a haunted hotel that brings out the crazy in its guests?  Stephen King is truly a horror genius.
  9. Beetlejuice: beetlejuice Beetlejuice!  Beetlejuice!  Beetlejuice!
  10. The Exorcist: exorcistIf exorcisms don’t freak you out, check out this movie that’ll be sure to make your head turn.  See what I did there?

Did one of your favorite Halloween movies not make my list?  Tell me what it is in the comment section below!

Until next time,


My October Goals/Bucket List


New month, new goals!  Too often do I find myself creating goals for myself, but I never write them down!  Instead, I end up remembering them a few weeks later and try pushing them off until the next month.  That’s about to change starting now!  Take a look at the list below for all of my goals I wish to accomplish this month.

  1. Incorporate more yoga into my fitness routine.stretching
  2. Write consistently on my blog.writing gif
  3. Read at least one book.reading
  4. Build my portfolio site.
  5. Gain 3 new followers.
  6. Exercise consistently.exercise
  7. Go to sleep earlier.sleep gif
  8. Have weekly date nights with Kyle.date gif
  9. Declutter and organize!
  10. Research for NaNoWriMo.

To add to my list of October goals, check out my October Bucket List!

  1. Watch 5 different Halloween movies.
  2. Carve pumpkins.    carve pumpkins gif
  3. Watch a horror movie.                             watch scary movie gif
  4. Go hiking.
  5. Eat S’Mores at a bonfire.
  6. Decorate for fall.    fall gif
  7. Buy a fall candle.
  8. Host or attend a Halloween Party.mouse gif
  9. Visit a pumpkin patch.
  10. Write Halloween-themed short story and post to my blog.

So what are your October goals and/or bucket list?  Feel free to share in the comments below!