Long time, no see!


Well hello, WordPress world!  I am writing to you on this beautiful, snowy (wait? Isn’t it supposed to be Spring?) day in the northeast.  This is how it looks outside my house right now: IMG_5664

So, since it has been a minute since I last updated this blog, I wanted to catch up and explain what has been happening in my world.

  1. My husband and I bought a house!  Super exciting, right?  We’ve lived in it for just over two months now and we’ve never been happier (well, besides the mortgage and all of the responsibilities that come with homeownership- kidding!  It’s all great honestly).  Look at our cute picture at the house right after closing! IMG_2463
  2. The day after we moved into our house, we rescued a pit/lab mix named Oakley!  He’s turning 2 in April and he’s just the cutest, happiest little pup of all.  He was super skinny when we first got him because he was a stray found on the streets in Virginia, but we’ve given him lots of love and treats and food and exercise and he’s doing so much better now.  He likes to stare out windows when his daddy leaves for work.  He also loves to cuddle and loves to play with his friends Stella and Odin (our friend’s dogs).

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  3. I’ve recently had this creative urge and it has been making me want to write again.  It’s the best feeling and I’ve missed it.  I try to embrace it as much as I can as I’ve had an endless bout of writer’s block (I know, you other writers out there are probably shaking your heads right now).  Luckily, it has been slowly subsiding.  So every day I’m looking up writing prompts on Pinterest or old fanfiction I’ve written for some inspiration.  Not to mention I’ve been rereading the Harry Potter series (aka the series that inspired me to write in the first place) since October and I’m finally a third of the way into the Deathly Hallows. I’ve been making notes of the parts that are so interesting to me and how Rowling foreshadows throughout the whole series without us (okay, maybe just me) realizing it.

So with the above being said, I wanted to ask you guys:

  1. Do you think fanfiction is dumb?  Do people even still write fanfiction, let alone about Harry Potter?
  2. How do you cure your writer’s block?  Do you listen to music, travel, read/watch movies?  I’m interested to see what helps you!
  3. To go off my last questions, what type of movies do you watch, books do you read, and music that you listen to?  What’s your favorite place you’ve ever traveled, and how did it inspire you?
  4. Have you rescued any animals?  If so, what kind?
  5. Is it snowing where you are now, or is it warm and sunny?
  6. How have you guys been?  What’s been going on lately?

Short blog today, my friends.  But I look forward to hearing your responses and I’ll be back again soon.



October: National Book Month


As you may know, October is National Book Month and everywhere bookworms are rejoicing!  Reading is one of my absolute favorite pastimes, not only because I get to immerse myself into another world to get away from real-world problems for a little while, but also because it’s relaxing (well, for the most part- I suppose it depends on what book I’m reading!).  In honor of National Book Month, I’d like to share with you what I’ve been reading so far this month.

Back in September, I started reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.  I never finished it.  Never in my life have I stopped reading a book because I disliked it until now.  Okay, you caught me- with the exception of required novels during school, I have never stopped reading a book because I disliked it.  After a few weeks hiatus, I decided to give it another go.  I had only heard good things from people I know who have read it, so I really wanted to give it another chance, but I just couldn’t get past the strange first-person narrative with abnormally long paragraphs that held conversations within them rather than in separate paragraphs.

Maybe that’s because that’s what I’m used to when I read books- conversations being broken up into separate paragraphs for each person talking.  However, I realize that there is no “correct” way to write and that rules are meant to be broken when writing.  Even so, I placed the book back on my shelf last week for good.

I have been entranced with reading lately, however.  So late last week, after I set Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close aside, I decided to pick up an old book and visit some old friends.

Perhaps my desire to reread the Harry Potter series was due to the cool fall air (finally!) infiltrating the east coast.  Maybe it was because of the incessant previews for Freeform’s (many) Harry Potter weekends playing relentlessly on the TV.  Or, simply enough, perhaps it was because it has been several years since I’ve reread them in their entirety.  Regardless of the reason, I’m ecstatic about my decision to restart this journey.

I finished the Sorcerer’s Stone in just under six and a half hours, which must have been a personal record.  I believe it would have taken me less time if I didn’t have a full-time job and several other distractions (or responsibilities) that had to be completed prior to my reading binges.

Kyle came home from work Friday afternoon/early evening and could hardly believe I was on the last few pages of The Sorcerer’s Stone.  “How?!” he asked, astonished that I had somehow found the time to finish the book so quickly.  Without even asking, he went into our bedroom and grabbed The Chamber of Secrets from our bookshelf and laid it on the end table beside the couch where I was sitting at the time.  He just knew that I’d want to start the next book as soon as I was finished the first.  That, my friends, is true love.

Anyway, I started reading the Chamber of Secrets on Friday and I’m still currently reading it.  Not because I’m not interested in it or because it’s taking a long time to read- Kyle and I were just incredibly busy over the weekend so I had limited time to read.  But I’m truly enjoying every page of the series thus far and I’m loving it even more now than the first few times I read it.

Harry Potter holds a special place in my heart, and it remains high on my list of books that I love.  Rowling’s series is the first series that I can remember that truly inspired me to write.  Whether it was HP-related fan-fiction, online roleplaying (Neopets, anyone?) or even an original story of my own, I was writing almost every day when I was younger because I was so inspired.  I wanted to create a world as mystifying, extraordinary and magical (pun intended) as Rowling created.  It’s still my dream today.

I’ve realized over the past few weeks that maybe the reason I’m having difficulty writing anything of substance lately (creative writing, that is) is because I’ve been lacking inspiration.  I have been told that in times of severe writer’s block, I should revisit a favorite book’s world and find the reason why I wanted to write my own story in the first place.  Then, I should explore new worlds in the same genre that I’d like to write about and write down what makes them good and what makes me love them.  I’m currently on the first part of that with Harry Potter being my first stop.  I’m excited to see what happens while on this ride and what potential stories come out of it.

Now that you know what inspired me to begin writing and what I’m currently reading, I’d love to know what you’re currently reading (or rereading) and what’s on your list of books to read prior to year’s end.  Also, if there are any writers/authors out there, let me know what books truly captivated you and inspired you to write.  I’d love to discuss this with you and add to my list of books to read- and perhaps they’ll inspire me, too!

Until next time,


P.S.  If any of you are interested in my re-read of Harry Potter, check out the hashtag #EmilyrereadsHP on Twitter!


It Gets Better


You may not always end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you are meant to be. – Unknown.

Over these past few months, my life has taken many unexpected twists and turns.  When I reflect back on a year ago, it’s amazing to see how much I’ve grown and learned about myself within those twists and turns.  For instance, I was just a recent college grad who was struggling to make money as a server for a catering company at this time last year.  To anyone struggling at the moment, it’s important for you to know that it gets better.

It was about this time last year when I received an internship and a freelance writing position, both online, to help me move forward with my dreams.  The internship was short-lived (I learned quickly it wasn’t for me), but the freelance writing filled my heart with happiness as I was finally getting paid to do something that I love.

In December, I was on the phone with my dad hysterically crying about my life and how it was anything but what I expected life to be life after graduating.  I was physically worn out from working insane hours during the Holiday season at the catering company, and stressed due to the lack of articles the freelance writing company was giving me (I later found out they were going in a different direction with their freelance writing- but not before I sent them an e-mail a month later asking if they forgot about me.  Poor professionalism in my personal opinion.).  Sure, the part time job with bi-weekly paychecks and lenient bosses who approved of almost any time off that you requested was incredibly nice.  The hours, however, were not, especially in the slow periods of the year.  During the hustle and bustle of the fast-paced Christmas season, I knew that I needed to find a new path and as soon as possible.

My dad has always been one with words, and he gave me some great advice after listening to me cry for an hour.  He told me that I’m only 22.  I have my whole life ahead of me.  Accepting a job outside of my immediate field right away isn’t necessarily a bad thing- not only will I have a more solid paycheck, but I’ll be gaining experience.  He explained that I’m still young enough to get a job doing what I would like to do, as long as I never let it out of my sight and continue to work towards it.  Being so young allows a multitude of opportunities to present themselves as long as I’m willing to keep an open mind.  And that’s what I did.

It was then that I started creating multiple paths for myself.  I applied to Grad School, various jobs, and looked into employment agencies.  By February of this year, I had two interviews lined up through an employment agency and I was accepted into Grad School for a Master’s Degree in English.

The only way I could afford Grad School was if I received a Graduate Assistantship position.  Then, if I accepted one, the Grad School I was accepted to only paid a slim stipend of a maximum of $4,000 or $5,000 per year.

I never heard back about GA positions until May, when I already accepted a temp-to-hire position as a transcriptionist with a law firm in my area.  I debated whether I should accept it, but considering working part-time wasn’t cutting it anymore, I had to make the decision fast.  I compared the $4,000 to $5,000 stipend to my hourly wage, and taking the transcription position over going back to school seemed like the right path for me to travel down.

It’s now only a short-time later at the law firm and I’m full-time with benefits, and on top of that, two weeks ago I received my first “promotion.”  I’m no longer a transcriptionist- I’m now a legal secretary!  On top of that, the part of the firm I’m working with is a small medical malpractice who merged with us in May and are some of the greatest coworkers I’ve ever had.  It seems like it can’t get any better, right?

Wrong.  One of the attorneys in the med malpractice firm is not only encouraging me to follow my dreams as a journalist; he’s helping me find a way there.  A few days ago, he met with me and told me straight up that he wants me to do something that I actually love to do, not live day by day.  He told me that somehow he would help get me there, as long as I don’t mind being patient.  He has already presented an opportunity to me that could definitely help my future as a writer, but I don’t want to jinx anything before I know if it’s possible.

On top of all of the achievements in my professional world, my personal life has been getting better every day. I never thought I would fall in love with someone, especially at a young age, because of how self-conscious I was by always comparing myself to others.  I never thought my life would get any better in this aspect, but two years and some months ago, I was proven wrong all because a silly boy who was completely intoxicated just happened to land beside me on a couch at a sorority formal.

Fast forward to May 2015, when I went back to my Alma Mater to see my now boyfriend of two years graduate with both my family and his.  It was a great day as I was seeing old friends and faculty who will forever hold a special place in my heart.  Little did I know it was about to get better.

At my graduation, it hailed in 60 degree weather.  At my boyfriend’s graduation, it decided to downpour for a solid fifteen minutes which started shortly after he walked across the stage to receive his diploma.  We all ran for cover into the corridor of the main building on campus, called “Old Main.”  (Picture the outside corridors in Harry Potter– shout out to this blogger for capturing this beautiful view.)  I didn’t pay any mind to everyone gathering around me; I assumed it was all because of the rain, and that it was crowded because of the plethora of alumni, faculty, staff, family and students who had to somehow fit in the space to be sheltered from the storm.

Kyle ran to find his aunt who was lost in the sea of people, but I thought nothing of it because I knew we were all going out to eat after his graduation.  I spoke to my Alpha Xi Delta sisters and friends and family who were surrounding me about the rain, and how ironic it was that two years in a row we had awful weather for graduation.

Next thing I know, I see Kyle running up to me with a nervous expression on his face until he said my name.

“Emily,” he said as he got down on one knee.  “This is not how this was supposed to go because the rain ruined everything but I love you….will you marry me?”

I bawled.


Cried of happiness for a solid ten minutes.  Shaking and smiling and my stomach bursting with butterflies because I was overjoyed.


He made me the happiest girl in the world that day, and continues to make me happier every day that we’re together.  He’s one of a kind, that’s for sure.


Nothing about our relationship has been conventional, and that makes it all the better.  The fact that everything was so rushed and so quick- it was absolutely perfect.  He later told me during our long four hour drive home his actual plan- to propose by the fountain, his elaborate speech that he had been mentally preparing for days, weeks, months.  Everyone congratulated us afterwards and told me how they all knew for months, some even for as long as a year.  Even though I know I’m still young and that I have my whole life ahead of me, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that Kyle is the perfect guy for me.  I feel even luckier to find him at such a young age because that just means that I have longer to spend with him.

I’m thankful to have someone who pushes all of my insecurities aside, who makes me feel like the most loved person in the world, who will do anything for me, who makes me laugh almost every moment we’re together, who listens and gives so much to anyone and everyone around him without asking a thing in return and who proves to me every day that it/life gets better.

Here’s a picture of the fountain where he was going to propose (not taken by me- found on Google): fountain-450x300

To anyone who is struggling to find a job after graduation, who is bothered by their self-image, or is upset about anything else in life- it does get better.  I hope my story (and update on my life) can be accepted as proof.  If you would have told me two years ago that I would be working at a law firm while living with my fiance in an apartment in a town two hours from where I was born and raised, I wouldn’t have believed you, and I probably would have laughed.  However, I’m realizing now that, at this moment, this is exactly where I’m meant to be.

Writing Prompt Wednesday: My Scar


“I think scars are like battle wounds- beautiful, in a way.  They show what you’ve been through and how strong you are for coming out of it.”

-Demi Lovato

So it’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to blog about a writing prompt from this book!  And I’m sure you can guess what my blog will be about today if you paid close attention to the Demi Lovato quote up above!

#8: How’d you get that scar?  Most everyone has a scar.  Talk about it as if you were about to get that scar for the first time.  Scar free?  Then you need to invent one!  Or talk about another person’s scar as if it was your own.

Note: I’m changing this prompt up a little bit, and you’ll understand why I’m not setting this story as if it were just happening once you read my answer.  I’m writing it as if I’m the person who has the scar.  PLEASE READ THE DISCLAIMER AT THE END.  IT’S IMPORTANT.


Ten years.  Ten years I’ve had this scar, and I’ve only recently found out the real reason behind it.  Ten years I was lied to by my scummy aunt and uncle, my only living relatives, who are anything but kind.  Ten years I’ve believed my parents were killed in a car crash and only recently did I find out that they were murdered and their murderer gave me this scar in the shape of a lightning bolt.  Ten years.

Apparently the murderer tried to kill me, too.  I don’t understand why.  I was just a baby at the time, so I’m not sure what I could have done to him.  Everyone says I’m the “Boy who Lived” and they bow down to me like I’m some hero.  Apparently I made him disappear.

Maybe soon I’ll understand the reason why I’m a hero, or why he killed my parents.  Maybe soon I’ll understand why I’m a hero to so many people.  Maybe soon I’ll understand why my scar will randomly burn and make me drop to my knees while screaming in pain.  Maybe soon I’ll understand why no one calls him by name and always refers to him as “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.”


Four years have passed, and now I’ve had this lightning bolt-shaped scar for 14 years.  So much has changed.  I now understand that I’m the “Chosen One” and that “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” is actually Voldemort.  I understand that a killing curse somehow didn’t kill me and instead made him weak.  But since then he has returned, though everyone refuses to believe me.  I now know the meaning behind my scar, and why the pain never goes away.  It burns more when he’s close to me or when he visits me in my dreams.

Now I’m creating an army- an army to defend my world against evil.  My parents were once a part of an army who fought against evil, along with some of my friends’ parents, and now I’m doing the same.  My friends at least believe me that he’s back, and that he and his followers are planning on killing.  We all know of the dangers.  We’re all reminded of the danger when we look at the scar laying upon my forehead.


16 years.  16 years this scar has pained me.  16 years this scar has defined me.  With this scar came hardships that no should have to go through, especially at a young age.  Everyone will be reminded of the potential evil in the world when they see the scar on my head, but I’ll only see strength, a difficult battle, and most importantly, good conquering evil.  And that’s what makes it beautiful.


Disclaimer: Now that you’ve read this, I’m sure you know what it’s about if you’re familiar with the story (who isn’t?!).  THIS IS NOT AN ORIGINAL STORY.  I don’t own any of the characters or names or the plot or anything.  I’m not trying to violate copyright.  I just wanted to write about this scar because this is the first scar I ever remember.  Sure, I have my fair share of scars from falling down due to clumsiness, but this scar and this character and this series of books not only changed my whole world, but also introduced me into the wonder of reading which I fell in love with while reading the first book in the series.  Thank you to the amazing J.K. Rowling for writing this series and allowing me to escape to a world that meant so much to me growing up, and giving me the opportunity to share the wonderment of this world with my kids in the future, whenever I should have them in the future.

Once again, I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING. (I mean the words are my own, but the words put together reflect back on the series, which obviously isn’t mine.)


Sunday News: This week’s recap


Throughout this past week, I found three really interesting stories that I wanted to blog about.

  1. Judge being put down: This past week, a police dog by the name Judge was put down after being found terminally ill.  The German Shepherd was starting to have trouble walking and had to be helped in and out of vehicles.  Judge was saluted by a line of police officers as he was walked into the clinic to be put down.  This was such a heartbreaking story to hear about and it broke my heart because I hate seeing animals in so much pain, let alone seeing them put down.  I’ve luckily never had to put any animals down, but I have seen a few of my pets get really sick and it’s hard to watch.  It was so sweet of the officers to give him full honors too.  I’m sure he deserved it!  RIP, Judge!  Check out the story here.
  2. Kim K.-Malfoy: I’m not completely sure why, but Kim K. decided to cut and dye her hair, which led to Tom Felton, aka Draco Malfoy, to hilariously tweet this: Screen Shot 2015-03-08 at 7.01.10 PM which then linked to this wonderful photo: Screen Shot 2015-03-08 at 7.01.18 PMGod bless the Internet, and those creative and patient enough to create something so fantastic with Photoshop.  I applaud you.
  3. Black and Blue: Salvation Army located in South Africa released an amazing new billboard illustrating the effects of domestic violence using the famous black and blue/gold and white dress.  salvation-army-psa The ad reads: “Why is it so hard to see black and blue? The only illusion is if you think it was her choice. One in 6 women are victims of abuse. Stop abuse against women.”  If that’s not powerful, I don’t know what is.  Huge props to Salvation Army using this dress to spread awareness to an important issue in today’s society.  This ad has received mostly positive results, so one can only hope that it’ll make a difference and we as a society will point out abuse and not ignore it.

Needless to say, it was an interesting week in the news and I can’t wait to see what happens throughout this next week!

Making creative strides


“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.”

– Elder Uchtdorf

The Return of the King

Not only does this subtitle happen to be a title of one of my favorite films, but it’s also conveniently my last name.  I’m basically royalty (except not even in the slightest).

Anyway…hello, readers!  My name is Emily!  After a long hiatus from writing, I figured it’s finally time to jump back on the saddle and that explains why I’m currently writing this post to all of you.

Now you’re probably wondering the following questions:

  1. Why are you blogging?
  2. What are you going to blog about?
  3. How often are you planning on blogging?
  4. Why do you like writing?
  5. How did you come up with your blog name?
  6. Can you tell me a little bit more about yourself?

Let’s jump right in so I can happily answer all of those questions for you!

1. Why are you blogging?

Whenever I was a young girl, my sister and oldest brother both showed me completely made up stories they had created on a whim.  They inspired me to get in touch with my own creative side and I soon began creating stories about love, loss, and the hardships people face in every day life.  This passion has never gone away, though it has dulled.  Lately (quite honestly this feeling- or lack there of- has been around since I graduated high school in 2010), I’ve been feeling less inspired and less creative, so much so that one of my best friends bought me books not only on journalistic writing (a reminder to never give up on my dreams) but also on writing prompts to help my brain focus on my passion again.  This blog, though it’s mainly personal and it will most likely have a large variety of topics of things that I want to talk about, will help me get back in touch with my creative side and, in turn, help me grow as a writer.  I’m not doing this in order to gain a large following.  I’m doing this to find myself, to work on my writing, to become a better person, and to do the thing I love the most every single day of my life.  Life is too short to not be doing what you love.

2. What are you going to blog about?

Believe it or not, my tagline for my blog answers this question.  It reads as follows:

A Personal Blog with an Agenda

Lately, I’ve been inspired to create a blog that talks about my life.  Many people probably don’t care about my life, and I can’t blame you since I’m a complete stranger.  But my hope is that through this journey, you’ll be able to either somewhat relate or laugh about at least one of my posts.

The “agenda” portion for my blog comes from me deciding to structure this blog with specific topics each day in order to keep me focused and on top of my writing.  It’s a sort of challenge- week after week, I’ll have the same “prompt,” if you will, but I’ll need to change up my writing to make it more interesting or even keep coming up with topics for each thing.  I’m hoping this will get the creative juices flowing.  The agenda is as follows:

  1. Sunday: Sunday News/Special Sunday
    • This is my journalistic bone jumping out.  I’ll cover top news from the previous week that I find intriguing (to be completely honest, it may just be celebrity news or it could be world news, depending on how I’m feeling).  Or it could be news for that upcoming week, or news in my life!  I’m also allowing leeway on this day, which is why it’s also called “Special Sunday.”  Now Special Sunday means that I could either interview someone on a specific topic, or I could write about whatever I want to that doesn’t fall under any of the categories below.  In other words, it could be a “free write” day, if that’s what I choose to do with it.
  2. Monday: Monday Lit Circle
    • This day will probably be one of my favorites, naturally.  I absolutely love reading.  I love it almost as much as writing.  But like writing, I haven’t done very much reading as of late.  My hope is that this day encourages me to read more often.  I will either cover a novel in whole that I have read recently, talk about one of my favorite novels in general, or cover a chapter per week of a book I’m currently reading and asking you (Yes, you!) for feedback on the chapter or book.  In other words, I would love for you to join along in the literary circle (basically a book club) or put your two cents in on something I’ve said.  I encourage feedback.
  3. Tuesday: Thankful Tuesday
    • There have been many times in my life where I’ve taken something in my life for granted and I’ve only realized when it was too late.  On Tuesdays, I hope to write about something in my life that I’m thankful for.  Being thankful isn’t just for Thanksgiving; it’s a full-time job.  I have a lot to be thankful for and I would love to recognize them more often by sharing those things with you every Tuesday.
  4. Wednesday: Writing Prompt Wednesday
    • This goes back to the awesome prompts book one of my best friends gave to me when I was feeling down. I have a thousand different prompts to choose from, so each Wednesday will be a completely different topic.  I’m super excited for this day because this is a day when I’ll get to be completely creative by making new characters and new worlds.
  5. Thursday: Throwback Thursday
    • On this day, I’m going to share a memory from my past with you.  It may be a good memory or a bad memory, but hopefully something in what I say to you will click with you and you’ll realize you can relate to my life just as I can relate to so many other people.  Sometimes it’s nice knowing that people around the world go through the same things you do, and suddenly you don’t feel entirely alone.  I would love feedback on these days saying how you relate to my memory or maybe how you can’t but you would like to share a memory from your past.
  6. Friday: Friendly Friday
    • Now friendly Fridays could involve many different things.  It could be me writing about a memory I have about one of my friends (nothing personal on their behalf! I wouldn’t put them in that situation where everyone on the internet knows their business without their consent), a situation I happened to be in with one during the previous week (or anytime in my life, really), boasting about something great one of my friends did, or maybe about a time when I was super friendly toward a stranger/saw someone be friendly to a stranger.  It could even be about advice I’ve given a stranger/a friend or about advice that I’ve received.
  7. Saturday: Storytelling Saturday
    • Finally, the last day is all about storytelling.  Yes, I’ve told many stories throughout the week already, BUT this day is different.  My hope (and if I fail at this or even slack off in the slightest, I give anyone reading this full permission to yell at me to get me to work harder) is to write a chapter of a continuous story each day until I finish it.  Yes, you read that right.  A chapter of a unique story that I created completely on my own without the help of those 1,000 prompts.  I’m doing this because my ultimate goal when I was younger was to become an author of a story and I’ve never given up on this dream.  I think by doing a chapter each week and posting it on Saturday for all of you to read, not only will I gain valuable and constructive criticism, but I’ll be one step closer to reaching my dream of being a published author.

**As a side note, there may be days where I post more than once with a random topic if I feel like it.

3. How often are you planning on blogging?

Every. Single. Day.


4. Why do you like writing?

I’ve included this question because many people I know absolutely loathe writing and I honestly have no idea how!  I love writing because sometimes I have a hard time saying what I feel.  I think I can write down my feelings a lot easier than saying them.  Sometimes I just can’t find the right words except for when I’m writing.  I also like having the ability when writing short stories to have complete control over the characters and what happens to them.  I guess I like this because I only have so much control over my own life, and it makes me feel better knowing what will happen in my characters’ lives because I don’t know what will happen in mine.

5. How did you come up with your blog name?

The Harry Potter series introduced me into the magical world of reading.  That series was my childhood and I’m forever grateful for reading it because it has made me who I am today.  That being said, the word “pensieve” comes from Harry Potter.

I use the Pensieve. One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one’s mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one’s leisure. It becomes easier to spot patterns and links, you understand, when they are in this form.

– Albus Dumbledore

This blog is a way to pour all of my thoughts, ideas, and feelings I have on my past, my present and my future, and on any other things that I end up writing about.  And through this pensieve I hope to better understand myself and my writing style.

6. Can you tell me a little bit more about yourself?

Absolutely!  I’m a twenty-two year old recent graduate from a small liberal arts school with a communications degree and a German minor.  I haven’t had the best job in the last seven months since I’ve graduated but I recently accepted a new position at a great company and I’m looking forward to my future there and where that will lead me in the years to come.  That job I accepted isn’t what I want to be doing, but I know it’s just a small stepping stone until I get there.

I’m also an animal lover!  I rescued my beloved pitbull Balboa from the humane society nearly two years ago and he’s the biggest sweetheart I know.  For any of you pitbull haters out there, how can you hate this face?

Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 12.18.09 AM

He loves laying in bed with me.  And here I am cuddling with him on Christmas:

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Anyway, I’m also a proud sister of Alpha Xi Delta and I support Greek life.  I’m currently in a relationship with the best guy I’ve ever known for almost two years.  In my spare time you can usually catch me watching Criminal Minds, listening to music, or running.  I love traveling, and the most notable places I’ve been to are San Francisco, London, Oxford, Windsor, and Germany.  Right now my life is pretty great and I really can’t complain.

Sorry for the obnoxious length of this first post, but hey I told you I love writing!

Until tomorrow, readers!


P.S.- One last note: Please feel free to comment on any of this. Tell me about your day, what you like writing about, where you’ve traveled to, what your degree is in, what your favorite show is to watch on netflix, your thought on pitbulls, the reason behind your blog name, your favorite book or book series, or your thought on Greek life!  I would love to hear your thoughts.