My Calling


Hey everyone!  I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all of you who showed a little love to my last post.  I also wanted to give a shout out to my new followers.  Thanks for following and I hope you continue to enjoy my posts! Any constructive criticism and/or feedback that you have is obviously welcomed.

Also, before I get into “my calling,” please don’t be afraid to reach out and share your story.  If you can relate in any way to my posts, I’d love to hear about it and discuss it over a virtual cup of coffee!  Leave a comment on the specific post you like and I’ll be happy to respond!


Have you ever had the feeling like you were meant to do something specific with your life?  That when you talk about anything else, it just fails in comparison?

That’s how I feel about writing.  I was talking with a friend today, and our conversation randomly took a turn toward writing.  She asked if it was true that I’m writing a book.  I momentarily paused- I wasn’t sure how she could know this because I hadn’t told her.  Come to think of it, I never even asked her how she found that out.  Regardless, after my pause, I ended up talking about writing with her for easily fifteen minutes.

Throughout this conversation, I had the overwhelming feeling of happiness that you experience when you start talking about something that you’re passionate about.  Suddenly I was smiling non-stop, I was super over talkative, my eyes were lit with excitement and I basically gushed about how much I love writing in that fifteen-minute timeframe.

And with that being said, I am in the middle of writing a book.  This book is something that I’ve been attempting to write for three years.  In these three years, I’ve felt frustrated, discouraged, hopeless, and definitely uninspired.  Nothing was clicking.  I had [what I felt was] a great idea, but the words just wouldn’t flow from my head to my paper.  In fact, I couldn’t write much of anything, nor did I really feel inspired to do so.

But I think this is finally changing.  I believe I felt uninspired because this story is so personal to me and I was afraid- afraid to write and get it wrong, afraid that the finished product won’t be good enough, afraid that no one will read, afraid that no one will relate.

But I can’t let fear stop me from pursuing my dreams.

I finally came to this realization recently.  And upon realizing this, I also came to the conclusion that the reason I’ve had writer’s block for any other fleeting idea that passes through my mind on a daily basis is that this book is the story that I have to write first.  It will forever be on the back of my mind until it is written, until it is completed and until it is shared with the world.

I’ve only written a complete outline of major plot points, among a few scenes that will obviously need reworked, at this point.  However, in addition to writing, I’ve been reading for inspiration and researching for guidance.  I’m reading about life and loss and family and relationships.  I’m reading more books that inspire me- even if that means rereading them for the twelfth time (lookin’ at you, Harry Potter).  I’m reading more blogs, especially those about writing (thanks, Pinterest!).  I’m doing my research on the more technical aspect of writing a novel, including how important an opening line is and how to incorporate, but not overshadow, certain aspects of the novel.

All of this research and writing and blogging has me feeling like myself again.  I feel like I was a little lost for a while, but I’m truly finding my way back home now.  And I couldn’t be happier because I know that writing is my calling.  I’ve known since I was seven years old and I wrote my first story.  I’ve known since I focused on journalism in high school.  I’ve known since I majored in communications/digital media and journalism in college.

Writing is my passion, hands down.  I told my friend today that if I had the opportunity to choose what I’d do all day long, it would be writing (or reading) in some form.  It wouldn’t matter whether the writing was blogging, writing creatively, or even freelance writing in a more journalistic form, just so long as I was writing.

I can’t tell you when I’ll actually finish the book.  But the fact that I’m writing again is a positive sign and it’s truly making me so excited for the future!

Now that I’ve finished blabbing, what’s one thing that you love to do that you feel you were meant to do in this life?  What is your calling?  I’d love to hear about it!  Also, have you ever had terrible bouts of writer’s block?  If so, what inspires you/what brings you out of your writer’s block?  Leave me a comment in the section below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Until next time,


Consistency is Key


I turned twenty-five on the 15th of this month, and with my birthday came feelings of discouragement, hopelessness, and fear. Over the past eleven days, I came to the realization that I brought these feelings upon myself. That was a hard realization to come to, but one I had to come to nonetheless. All of these feelings came from the realization that I’m the reason that I’m not where I want to be in terms of my professional life.

I graduated college truly naive in believing that even in the tough market I’d land my dream writing job within a few months. I also assumed that, by the time I turned twenty-five, I’d be living comfortably and doing what I love most: writing. Fast forward to, well, today and I’m a part-time freelance writer with a full-time job as a legal assistant.

Granted, I do enjoy my job at the law firm I’ve been working at since March. I work with great people and I feel like I’m making a positive impact on our clients’ lives. However, in college, I believed that by this point, I’d be doing nothing but writing and editing and making a steady income from it. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case.

I have admitted to myself that this is my fault. I cannot put the blame on anyone or anything else except me. To be frank, I have been slacking. I haven’t been giving writing the time or attention it deserves, which is terrible for something I love so dearly. Why would I give my time and attention to running, which I love, but not to writing, another activity that I also love and actually want to build my future on?

Going forward, I will be working hard on blogging differently. I have always known that consistency is the key to success in many different aspects of life- relationships, job searching, health and fitness, etc. Consistency in writing is also crucial to success, and I have failed thus far. My blog has been neglected (its inconsistency unmistakable), and I’m writing this purposefully in hopes that this post will hold me accountable. If I want a life filled with writing, I need to write more often.

I have high hopes that an editorial writing calendar will help accomplish this feat, and I have already started working on one for next month. Stay tuned, my friends (well, the ones who haven’t given up on my reading quite yet), for a content-filled October. I value your readership, and I hope that you have stuck by me and continue to stick by me as I continue doing what I’m most passionate about.

Until next time,
