My Summer Reading List


We’re almost through six months of 2017 already and I have been seriously slacking on reading!  For this summer, I’m setting a personal goal of reading five books.  Yes, only five because I don’t want to set the bar too high and get discouraged if it takes me longer to finish a book than normal.  With that being said, check out the five books listed below that are on my reading list.


  1. The Graveyard Book- Neil Gaiman.  Okay, so I’m sort of giving myself a head start on this one.  I started this in late spring (April maybe?), but with wedding planning, it got pushed aside.  I picked it back up this week and haven’t been able to put it down since.  Neil Gaiman is incredible and I would highly recommend this book to whoever loves reading.  It’s intriguing and holds your attention the whole way through.  A big thank you to my sister, Sarah, who gave it to me as a Christmas present!  (I told you I was behind on my reading…)thumb
  2. Me Before You- Jojo Moyes.  Earlier this year, my husband and I sat down to watch this movie for a stay-in date night, and it ended with me bawling and him holding me.  The movie was beautifully heartbreaking.  But, with movies I’ve seen that has a novel counterpart, I’d have to honestly say the books are normally better (i.e. Harry Potter).  So with that, I definitely want to check out the book to see how it compares to the movie and if my theory is right in that the book will be better.715VLP6M-OL.jpg
  3. To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee.  You’re probably thinking, “How has she gone through nearly 25 years of life without reading this classic?” and I can honestly say I’m thinking the same as you right now.  To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic, and I don’t think there’s any better time to read it than right now.  I know that it can be considered as a coming-of-age story and these stories tend to be my favorite genre to read.  So better late than never!41ywQaAwUoL._SX320_BO1,204,203,200_
  4. The Outsiders- S. E. Hinton.  Okay so you’re giving me that weird look again.  Yes, the one with the big, astonished eyes questioning my very existence.  This is another classic that I haven’t read and again, I can’t say why I haven’t read it yet.  Even my husband Kyle has read it, and he HATES reading (unless it involves a comic).  But that’s going to change this summer.  I’m excited to see what all the rave is about!15210355
  5. Gone Girl- Gillian Flynn.  And finally, Gone Girl.  This is also another book that I received for Christmas, and it’s another that has been sitting on my bookshelf collecting dust.  This is one story that I would prefer to read first, THEN see the movie.  I’ve heard great things about the movie and I can’t wait to find out what happens!

That’s enough from me.  What books are on your reading list for the summer?  Which books are you reading currently that you think I should check out (based on the short list above)?  Leave your responses in the comments below and I’ll get back to you!