Consistency is Key


I turned twenty-five on the 15th of this month, and with my birthday came feelings of discouragement, hopelessness, and fear. Over the past eleven days, I came to the realization that I brought these feelings upon myself. That was a hard realization to come to, but one I had to come to nonetheless. All of these feelings came from the realization that I’m the reason that I’m not where I want to be in terms of my professional life.

I graduated college truly naive in believing that even in the tough market I’d land my dream writing job within a few months. I also assumed that, by the time I turned twenty-five, I’d be living comfortably and doing what I love most: writing. Fast forward to, well, today and I’m a part-time freelance writer with a full-time job as a legal assistant.

Granted, I do enjoy my job at the law firm I’ve been working at since March. I work with great people and I feel like I’m making a positive impact on our clients’ lives. However, in college, I believed that by this point, I’d be doing nothing but writing and editing and making a steady income from it. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case.

I have admitted to myself that this is my fault. I cannot put the blame on anyone or anything else except me. To be frank, I have been slacking. I haven’t been giving writing the time or attention it deserves, which is terrible for something I love so dearly. Why would I give my time and attention to running, which I love, but not to writing, another activity that I also love and actually want to build my future on?

Going forward, I will be working hard on blogging differently. I have always known that consistency is the key to success in many different aspects of life- relationships, job searching, health and fitness, etc. Consistency in writing is also crucial to success, and I have failed thus far. My blog has been neglected (its inconsistency unmistakable), and I’m writing this purposefully in hopes that this post will holdĀ me accountable. If I want a life filled with writing, I need to write more often.

I have high hopes that an editorial writing calendar will help accomplish this feat, and I have already started working on one for next month. Stay tuned, my friends (well, the ones who haven’t given up on my reading quite yet), for a content-filled October. I value your readership, and I hope that you have stuck by me and continue to stick by me as I continue doing what I’m most passionate about.

Until next time,
