My Ideal Fall Weekend Getaway


Fall is my absolute favorite time of year.  The leaves changing, the various fall-scented candles, football, and cooler weather are all so appealing to me.  So what would be a better time of year to get away for the weekend to really enjoy the season?

If I had a chance to go on a weekend getaway this season with my husband, I would undoubtedly choose a small cabin in the woods (but not entirely secluded- I’ve seen too many Criminal Minds episodes).  Ideally, it would have a little fireplace, a cozy living room, one bedroom, and an eat-in kitchen.  It would be cozy but quaint, and it would have just enough room for two of us.

The cabin would be surrounded by beautiful red and orange leaves.  We would have the opportunity to go hiking one morning and see the foliage.  We’d spend the afternoon pumpkin or apple picking nearby.  We would eat a romantic, candle-lit dinner at the cabin.  We’d end the night by watching a rom-com while sipping on wine.  We’d talk about life, love, family, our hopes and dreams, where we want to be in 5 years, houses, kids, etc.  Maybe we’d even have enough time to sneak in a nap!

The weekend would end by cuddling and watching football together at home with my favorite pumpkin spice candle burning.

With that being said, what’s your ideal weekend getaway?  Is it similar to mine or do you prefer doing something different?  Let me know in the comments below!

Married, In Love, and…Not Pregnant?


Most of you now know that I got married in June.  It was the best day of my life and I’m truly lucky to be in love with my best friend.  But lately something has been bugging me, and I need to get it off my chest.

Ever since we got married, it has been the standard question of our friends/family/strangers who just found out that we got married to ask me if I’m pregnant and/or if Kyle and I are planning on having kids soon.  Don’t get me wrong- I’m excited to be a mom and experience something as wonderful as that.  But Kyle and I just got married in June.  Literally four months ago.  And right now, we both have agreed to just enjoy being married.

I know that the people asking this aren’t trying to be rude, mean, or nosey.  I mean, I understand why it’s a common question to ask after two people get married.  I love Kyle with my whole heart and I’m looking forward to the day we bring a little one into the world.  But right now, it’s nice to just enjoy each other’s company and what it means to be married.

When women get married, it’s not their duty to just pop out a child right away anymore.  It’s okay to wait a little while and to enjoy all the little things that come with marriage.  The spontaneous date nights, the weekends spent in pajamas, the freedom to take road trips to see family and friends a few hours away.  These are the things that I love enjoying right now and that would become more difficult when we have kids.

And frankly, I still have some growing up to do.  Being only 25, I feel like I still have a lot to learn about myself.  I feel like I’m still learning new things about Kyle, and I’ve known him for almost 5 years now!

When the time comes, I know it’ll be the most wonderful blessing, and it’s a day I truly look forward to.  But right now, our small family is perfect as it is.

Even though Kyle and I are choosing to wait a while before having kids, there is nothing wrong with having children right away, having children before marriage, or choosing not to have children at all.  All marriages, all families, and all families with children are beautiful and perfect.  No one should have to worry about what others may think or say because they’re doing things a little differently than others.

So if you just got married and are being asked about children, I want you to know that you aren’t alone.  I want you to know that it’s okay to wait.  I also want you to know that it’s okay to have children right away.  And if you’re not married and you’re pregnant, that’s okay too.  There is no standard right way to have a child, nor should there be, because everyone in this world is so vastly different and it’s okay to do things differently.  Don’t be afraid to be different.