Sunday News: This week’s recap


Throughout this past week, I found three really interesting stories that I wanted to blog about.

  1. Judge being put down: This past week, a police dog by the name Judge was put down after being found terminally ill.  The German Shepherd was starting to have trouble walking and had to be helped in and out of vehicles.  Judge was saluted by a line of police officers as he was walked into the clinic to be put down.  This was such a heartbreaking story to hear about and it broke my heart because I hate seeing animals in so much pain, let alone seeing them put down.  I’ve luckily never had to put any animals down, but I have seen a few of my pets get really sick and it’s hard to watch.  It was so sweet of the officers to give him full honors too.  I’m sure he deserved it!  RIP, Judge!  Check out the story here.
  2. Kim K.-Malfoy: I’m not completely sure why, but Kim K. decided to cut and dye her hair, which led to Tom Felton, aka Draco Malfoy, to hilariously tweet this: Screen Shot 2015-03-08 at 7.01.10 PM which then linked to this wonderful photo: Screen Shot 2015-03-08 at 7.01.18 PMGod bless the Internet, and those creative and patient enough to create something so fantastic with Photoshop.  I applaud you.
  3. Black and Blue: Salvation Army located in South Africa released an amazing new billboard illustrating the effects of domestic violence using the famous black and blue/gold and white dress.  salvation-army-psa The ad reads: “Why is it so hard to see black and blue? The only illusion is if you think it was her choice. One in 6 women are victims of abuse. Stop abuse against women.”  If that’s not powerful, I don’t know what is.  Huge props to Salvation Army using this dress to spread awareness to an important issue in today’s society.  This ad has received mostly positive results, so one can only hope that it’ll make a difference and we as a society will point out abuse and not ignore it.

Needless to say, it was an interesting week in the news and I can’t wait to see what happens throughout this next week!