Friendly Friday: Feeling like I belong


I was definitely nervous starting my new job.  I’m a relatively shy person (karate brought me out of my shell but I’m still shy around new people) so I didn’t know how it would be interacting with new coworkers and people I’ve never met before.

But this week has showed me how fortunate I am to have found a group of people at a law firm that make me feel like I belong.  I feel included and like they appreciate the work that I’m doing.  They don’t make me feel weird by being so new.  In fact, they recently hired a few attorneys, so a few people there are still getting the hang of everything in the office.  I can even have conversations with them when they come to my desk, like an older woman who came up and asked me about my day/how I was doing and then we talked about traveling, moving and retirement.  I also had an attorney come up and talk about me choosing Duke to win the national championship because he’s also a Duke fan, so it was nice talking to another person who likes Duke (aside from my other friends who like them, too).  It was also just nice talking to these people about things other than work.

I even received a compliment the other night by one of my coworkers who told me I had really pretty skin and it looked awesome under the light in our office.  So that honestly made my day.  I have relatively low self-esteem (something I’m constantly working on so it doesn’t get the best of me) so hearing things like this from people other than those that I’m close to is really nice and it made me feel really confident the rest of the day.

So anyway, basically the people I work with are great and I’m really excited that I get the chance to work with them every day.  Even though the work I do is tedious, they make my days more enjoyable by little snippets of conversations that I have with them randomly throughout the day. 🙂