Writing Prompt Wednesday: Six-word stories


So this writing prompt is from the awesome 1,000 awesome writing books, a gift from my best pal.

#34: [WC: 6] A popular thing on the internet are “six word stories” with the most popular being attributed to Hemingway (although the veracity of that claim is severely in question.) It goes: “Baby shoes for sale: Never worn.” Write your own six word stories. Perhaps create multiple ones.

“I don’t have time for you.”

I had everything, except for you.

Constantly started fights. Now I’m alone.

Traveled the world. Fell in love.

“I never told you the truth.”

Leap of faith. Got the guy.

Reality is finally better than dreams.

Online friends are no longer strangers.

Complaining leads to a miserable life.

Happy when drunk. Sad when sober.