Thankful Tuesday: Being able to run


“Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.”

-Oprah Winfrey

I’m going to admit that I take having the ability to walk/run for granted.  It’s one of those things that I’ve always been able to do, so I’ve never thought twice about it.  I also complain about running all the time, and I’m trying to get better with how much I complain each day and what I complain about.  In this case, I should be happy that I have the ability to walk because some people have disabilities and are unable to walk for a variety of reasons.

The featured image is a picture of my sorority family supporting me at my home meet at one point during my college cross-country career.  I was never one of the top competitors (I’m gonna be honest, I’m not very fast); I honestly ran because of my teammates who became some of my best friends and also to stay in shape.  But the reason I started running when I was in middle school was because I loved it and it made me feel so healthy.

During my Freshman year of college, I didn’t do any sports.  Prior to this, I ran competitively in 11th and 12th grade and also in 7th and 8th grade.  But when I was a freshman, I was very unhealthy; I ate a lot of fast food and didn’t exercise any whatsoever because I wanted to be able to manage my college workload without having to worry about sports.  I wanted to change that, so I joined the cross country team in college.

I had a great time with my college cross country team and all of them, along with my coach, pushed me to do my absolute best.  My first year in collegiate running, my coach pushed me ridiculously hard and I was already PRing by September (before hurting my ankle).

Regardless, during my time as a collegiate runner, I often complained about running and having to go to practice everyday, but I miss that atmosphere.  I almost miss having to plan everything around my running schedule versus the other way around.

I recently got a gym membership so I would start working out more often, especially in the winter when it’s too cold for me to run outside (I can’t breathe when it’s too cold), but lately I haven’t been able to run because of always having so much to do.  This week I started my new job and now I’m too exhausted to run (yes, excuses I know), so I have to wait until I get more comfortable in my routine so that I’m not too exhausted and end up having bad workouts.

Anyway, running is my favorite outlet to manage stress and it always feels good to have a good workout, so I can’t wait to get back into it!  I honestly miss running as much as I used to so I’m going to try to change that!

Thankful Tuesday: My Parents


I’ve always been thankful for my parents.  However, a couple of recent events in the lives of people who I’m close to realized how truly lucky I really am.  My parents are not even close to being perfect.  They’ve made their fair share of mistakes, just like every other parent and person on this Earth.  But they’ve done plenty of things for me and my siblings that I’m realizing not every other parent in this world does.  And for these reasons, I’m extremely thankful.

  1. Paid my way through college:  I graduated almost a year ago from a small, private, liberal arts college in the middle of nowhere, West Virginia.  I was accepted into two out of three of the schools where I applied, and this private college was more pricey than the other one that I was accepted into.  My parents told me to not let the prices affect my decision and that I should go wherever I wanted to and we would figure out the financial decisions after.  One specific college offered me a $9,000 merit scholarship each year, on top of several other grants and another in state scholarship special to West Virginia.  Those lowered the cost of tuition by more than half, so we covered the last half with loans and some help from my parents.  Now my parents didn’t have to help me pay for school, but they did, even on top of paying for my sister’s loans that they took out to help pay.  During school, I met many people who didn’t have the luxury of having any help from their parents, or just a slim amount, and that’s when I realized I’m so lucky to have parents who are willing to help out as much as they possibly can.
  2. My dad took out his retirement money to help me: Continuing on with the topic of money, my mom quit her job the summer before my senior year at college.  She was mistreated and overworked, and the job was practically killing her anyway, so it’s both a good and bad thing that she’s not working there any longer.  She didn’t have a job lined up when she quit, nor did she ever find one, so that made it tough on my dad who made twice as less than my mom made.  She was the breadwinner of the family, and my dad had to somehow figure out how to support our family on barely a $30,000-$40,000 income.  Before my final semester at my college, we received a letter about how much money I owed the school, and how I would need to pay it before I was allowed to start my spring semester classes.  I freaked out.  I didn’t want money to be the reason I couldn’t finish college, especially when I only had a semester left.  We thought there was something we could do with financial aid, since my situation had changed (aka my mom losing her job when she was the breadwinner of the family and my dad somehow trying to figure out how to pay my tuition on top of paying the bills and buying food in order to survive), but since we had already turned in the financial aid application, there was nothing they could do.  We even tried to get my dad’s dad to cosign on a loan with me, but that fell through as well because he wouldn’t sign anything electronically and that was the only way it would work.  My dad, being as selfless and amazing as he is, decided to take out his retirement money to pay off my final semester.  He didn’t have to, but he did, because he wanted me to be able to pursue my dreams, which unfortunately can only be done with a college degree nowadays.  I don’t know many other people who would give up their retirement money just to help out their kid, but I’m so fortunate for my dad to do that for me so I could continue on working toward my dreams.
  3. They’re always there for me: I know several people who can’t count on their parents for anything, and I’m lucky to have ones that will always have my back.  There was a time in December when I lost faith in ever finding a job.  I was beginning to think that I would be stuck at a catering company/part-time job for the rest of my life, barely making enough money to pay my loans, let alone bills that I still haven’t taken on (but will need to once I start making a set salary at my new job).  I called my parents hysterically crying, ranting about everything that was setting me back from my dreams, and my dad just kept telling me that these were little roadblocks and that things would start looking up if I just stayed positive.  He explained that it’s difficult to stay positive in these times, especially because he knows that I need the money and they can’t do anything to help since they’re barely scraping by, but eventually something would come around and I’d be right back up on my feet again.  He also said that taking a full-time job that wasn’t in my field isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  It’ll give me experience and more money to live comfortably.  I can also keep looking for my dream job while I work at a full-time job so I don’t give up on my dreams.  He explained that I’m only 22, so just because I’m not where I want to be yet doesn’t mean I won’t get there and that I still have the rest of my life ahead of me.  All of this was difficult to understand because he ended up getting stuck at a job where he still is after 25 years and he hates it, but he told me that as long as I keep pushing toward my dreams, I’ll get there.  I wouldn’t have calmed down without his advice, and I wouldn’t have taken a job at a law firm without it, either, because I would still be close-minded to jobs only in my field.  It might take me a while to get to my dream job, but at least I’ll be making money in the process of getting there.  But anyway, I know that whenever I need to talk to my parents, they’ll always be there to listen to me and I’m very thankful for that.
  4. They’re helping me move:  Basically, I moved up to Pennsylvania a while ago, but I didn’t want to change my address and everything until I got a full-time job in the state.  Because I have that full-time job now, I need to change my address, get a new ID, get my license plate changed, get my car inspected, etc. etc. etc.  I never realized how much of a pain it was to move, and now I’m slowly realizing that it’s a lot of work.  In order to get my car inspected, I have to get new tires because they’re so dull that they wouldn’t pass inspection.  My parents are in the process of selling their house and in order to close on that house but until it closes, they have still been paying the mortgage.  They offered after it closes and they get some money, they would be willing to help pay for any fees I may encounter while switching everything over and also to help pay for new tires.  I have some friends whose parents leave them up to figure everything out on their own, so I’m especially thankful that my parents still offer to help until I start making a good salary so I can pay for everything on my own.

There are plenty of other reasons why I’m thankful for my parents, but these are the big ones that are currently prevalent in my life.  I hope that anyone who reads this will appreciate their parents for everything that they’ve done for you.  And if your parents haven’t done anything for you, I hope that you’re thankful for someone in your life who has at least helped you find your footing to get set on the right path.

Thankful Tuesday: My job


My first Thankful Tuesday post was incredibly easy for me to come up with.  Over the past eight months, I’ve worked at a catering company as a server…definitely not the job I wanted coming out of college with a Communications degree.  But nonetheless, they were the first company who reached out to me after sending them my resume, so I figured I’d give it a shot until I found something better.  This job was only supposed to be temporary, but I found out that finding a job in my field was a lot harder than I previously thought.  I soon began taking a Ron Swanson view on life, as seen below:


I tried to stay positive and did everything I could to find something, even if it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do. I sent my resume to numerous people, only to be ignored or denied by all of them because of one crucial thing I lacked: experience

the fuck

How am I supposed to gain experience if no one will hire me?  I can’t be hired because I don’t have experience but in order to get experience I have to get hired.  It’s a catch-22. I spent many days trying to figure out a new approach.  I actually found an internship with a company that was all online, along with freelance writing.  Now I did both of those for two months or more, and I figured they would help me land some jobs in my career.


I was definitely wrong again.  So then I discussed with family members and other people that I’m close to about some different approaches I could take now that my second idea wasn’t working.  They helped me realize that maybe going through a staffing agency to find work would be a better idea, and to keep an open mind with any position that may come up.


A few days after I applied for the staffing agency, I interviewed with them and they took me on as a client.  Only a few days later did I find my dream job.  Communications coordinator.  I thought I had a great shot at this position, despite being so young and only having my experience from school to represent my abilities.  Unfortunately, I found out that they chose someone else for the position after I felt like I had a very successful interview with them.


David Tennant is me. I am David Tennant. Or I was when I found out the news about not getting the communications coordinator job.  I just felt like I would’ve been perfect for said job, but my lack of experience is what killed my chances.  But the staffing agency continued to call me about jobs while I was waiting to hear back and actually the day before hearing that I didn’t get the communications coordinator job, I went on an interview at a law firm for a transcriptionist position.  So basically my job will be typing.

typing gif

But at least it’s at a law firm, right?  I’ve heard that graduates with law degrees can’t even get into law firms.  Plus I’ve always been interested in law; I’ve just never practiced it/took classes (except for one) for it because I’ve always loved Communications more.  Regardless, went to my interview looking pretty snazzy and feeling confident in my abilities to type and work well with others, and apparently I nailed it!  The very next day I got offered the position.


So once again, it isn’t exactly where I want to be and it’s not the greatest salary in the world, but it’s definitely over minimum wage and I’ll be able to save up money by working there.  Also after 3 months I have a good opportunity to get a raise because the first three months I’m technically working under the staffing agency and if the law firm likes me/I do everything well, I’ll get hired officially and probably get a pay raise.  (Companies only pay staffing agencies so much for clients so the law firm will most likely pay me more once they hire me directly under them in 3 months…which they already said they would do.)  I liked the people who I met with and I’m sure I’ll get along with everyone else in the law firm.  I’m very excited and thankful for this opportunity.  I’ll have normal working hours (as opposed to the catering job) that will help me structure my days better and get the most done.  Also I’m kind of excited to just dress up every day!


But lately I’ve been thinking about how things could’ve been much worse during these past several months of trying to find a job suited for me.  I’m thankful to even have had a job, which is more than what some college graduates can say.  I’m also thankful that I saved up enough money while working at the catering company to be comfortable in paying off my student loans since December and never having to ask my parents for money.  I’m very thankful for being able to get everyone in my family and my boyfriend’s immediate family Christmas gifts, especially since this was the first year I was able to do that.  And now I’m thankful for getting a new opportunity at a great law firm where I’ll be able to save even more money and not have to live paycheck to paycheck.

It can only go up from here.


Making creative strides


“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.”

– Elder Uchtdorf

The Return of the King

Not only does this subtitle happen to be a title of one of my favorite films, but it’s also conveniently my last name.  I’m basically royalty (except not even in the slightest).

Anyway…hello, readers!  My name is Emily!  After a long hiatus from writing, I figured it’s finally time to jump back on the saddle and that explains why I’m currently writing this post to all of you.

Now you’re probably wondering the following questions:

  1. Why are you blogging?
  2. What are you going to blog about?
  3. How often are you planning on blogging?
  4. Why do you like writing?
  5. How did you come up with your blog name?
  6. Can you tell me a little bit more about yourself?

Let’s jump right in so I can happily answer all of those questions for you!

1. Why are you blogging?

Whenever I was a young girl, my sister and oldest brother both showed me completely made up stories they had created on a whim.  They inspired me to get in touch with my own creative side and I soon began creating stories about love, loss, and the hardships people face in every day life.  This passion has never gone away, though it has dulled.  Lately (quite honestly this feeling- or lack there of- has been around since I graduated high school in 2010), I’ve been feeling less inspired and less creative, so much so that one of my best friends bought me books not only on journalistic writing (a reminder to never give up on my dreams) but also on writing prompts to help my brain focus on my passion again.  This blog, though it’s mainly personal and it will most likely have a large variety of topics of things that I want to talk about, will help me get back in touch with my creative side and, in turn, help me grow as a writer.  I’m not doing this in order to gain a large following.  I’m doing this to find myself, to work on my writing, to become a better person, and to do the thing I love the most every single day of my life.  Life is too short to not be doing what you love.

2. What are you going to blog about?

Believe it or not, my tagline for my blog answers this question.  It reads as follows:

A Personal Blog with an Agenda

Lately, I’ve been inspired to create a blog that talks about my life.  Many people probably don’t care about my life, and I can’t blame you since I’m a complete stranger.  But my hope is that through this journey, you’ll be able to either somewhat relate or laugh about at least one of my posts.

The “agenda” portion for my blog comes from me deciding to structure this blog with specific topics each day in order to keep me focused and on top of my writing.  It’s a sort of challenge- week after week, I’ll have the same “prompt,” if you will, but I’ll need to change up my writing to make it more interesting or even keep coming up with topics for each thing.  I’m hoping this will get the creative juices flowing.  The agenda is as follows:

  1. Sunday: Sunday News/Special Sunday
    • This is my journalistic bone jumping out.  I’ll cover top news from the previous week that I find intriguing (to be completely honest, it may just be celebrity news or it could be world news, depending on how I’m feeling).  Or it could be news for that upcoming week, or news in my life!  I’m also allowing leeway on this day, which is why it’s also called “Special Sunday.”  Now Special Sunday means that I could either interview someone on a specific topic, or I could write about whatever I want to that doesn’t fall under any of the categories below.  In other words, it could be a “free write” day, if that’s what I choose to do with it.
  2. Monday: Monday Lit Circle
    • This day will probably be one of my favorites, naturally.  I absolutely love reading.  I love it almost as much as writing.  But like writing, I haven’t done very much reading as of late.  My hope is that this day encourages me to read more often.  I will either cover a novel in whole that I have read recently, talk about one of my favorite novels in general, or cover a chapter per week of a book I’m currently reading and asking you (Yes, you!) for feedback on the chapter or book.  In other words, I would love for you to join along in the literary circle (basically a book club) or put your two cents in on something I’ve said.  I encourage feedback.
  3. Tuesday: Thankful Tuesday
    • There have been many times in my life where I’ve taken something in my life for granted and I’ve only realized when it was too late.  On Tuesdays, I hope to write about something in my life that I’m thankful for.  Being thankful isn’t just for Thanksgiving; it’s a full-time job.  I have a lot to be thankful for and I would love to recognize them more often by sharing those things with you every Tuesday.
  4. Wednesday: Writing Prompt Wednesday
    • This goes back to the awesome prompts book one of my best friends gave to me when I was feeling down. I have a thousand different prompts to choose from, so each Wednesday will be a completely different topic.  I’m super excited for this day because this is a day when I’ll get to be completely creative by making new characters and new worlds.
  5. Thursday: Throwback Thursday
    • On this day, I’m going to share a memory from my past with you.  It may be a good memory or a bad memory, but hopefully something in what I say to you will click with you and you’ll realize you can relate to my life just as I can relate to so many other people.  Sometimes it’s nice knowing that people around the world go through the same things you do, and suddenly you don’t feel entirely alone.  I would love feedback on these days saying how you relate to my memory or maybe how you can’t but you would like to share a memory from your past.
  6. Friday: Friendly Friday
    • Now friendly Fridays could involve many different things.  It could be me writing about a memory I have about one of my friends (nothing personal on their behalf! I wouldn’t put them in that situation where everyone on the internet knows their business without their consent), a situation I happened to be in with one during the previous week (or anytime in my life, really), boasting about something great one of my friends did, or maybe about a time when I was super friendly toward a stranger/saw someone be friendly to a stranger.  It could even be about advice I’ve given a stranger/a friend or about advice that I’ve received.
  7. Saturday: Storytelling Saturday
    • Finally, the last day is all about storytelling.  Yes, I’ve told many stories throughout the week already, BUT this day is different.  My hope (and if I fail at this or even slack off in the slightest, I give anyone reading this full permission to yell at me to get me to work harder) is to write a chapter of a continuous story each day until I finish it.  Yes, you read that right.  A chapter of a unique story that I created completely on my own without the help of those 1,000 prompts.  I’m doing this because my ultimate goal when I was younger was to become an author of a story and I’ve never given up on this dream.  I think by doing a chapter each week and posting it on Saturday for all of you to read, not only will I gain valuable and constructive criticism, but I’ll be one step closer to reaching my dream of being a published author.

**As a side note, there may be days where I post more than once with a random topic if I feel like it.

3. How often are you planning on blogging?

Every. Single. Day.


4. Why do you like writing?

I’ve included this question because many people I know absolutely loathe writing and I honestly have no idea how!  I love writing because sometimes I have a hard time saying what I feel.  I think I can write down my feelings a lot easier than saying them.  Sometimes I just can’t find the right words except for when I’m writing.  I also like having the ability when writing short stories to have complete control over the characters and what happens to them.  I guess I like this because I only have so much control over my own life, and it makes me feel better knowing what will happen in my characters’ lives because I don’t know what will happen in mine.

5. How did you come up with your blog name?

The Harry Potter series introduced me into the magical world of reading.  That series was my childhood and I’m forever grateful for reading it because it has made me who I am today.  That being said, the word “pensieve” comes from Harry Potter.

I use the Pensieve. One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one’s mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one’s leisure. It becomes easier to spot patterns and links, you understand, when they are in this form.

– Albus Dumbledore

This blog is a way to pour all of my thoughts, ideas, and feelings I have on my past, my present and my future, and on any other things that I end up writing about.  And through this pensieve I hope to better understand myself and my writing style.

6. Can you tell me a little bit more about yourself?

Absolutely!  I’m a twenty-two year old recent graduate from a small liberal arts school with a communications degree and a German minor.  I haven’t had the best job in the last seven months since I’ve graduated but I recently accepted a new position at a great company and I’m looking forward to my future there and where that will lead me in the years to come.  That job I accepted isn’t what I want to be doing, but I know it’s just a small stepping stone until I get there.

I’m also an animal lover!  I rescued my beloved pitbull Balboa from the humane society nearly two years ago and he’s the biggest sweetheart I know.  For any of you pitbull haters out there, how can you hate this face?

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He loves laying in bed with me.  And here I am cuddling with him on Christmas:

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Anyway, I’m also a proud sister of Alpha Xi Delta and I support Greek life.  I’m currently in a relationship with the best guy I’ve ever known for almost two years.  In my spare time you can usually catch me watching Criminal Minds, listening to music, or running.  I love traveling, and the most notable places I’ve been to are San Francisco, London, Oxford, Windsor, and Germany.  Right now my life is pretty great and I really can’t complain.

Sorry for the obnoxious length of this first post, but hey I told you I love writing!

Until tomorrow, readers!


P.S.- One last note: Please feel free to comment on any of this. Tell me about your day, what you like writing about, where you’ve traveled to, what your degree is in, what your favorite show is to watch on netflix, your thought on pitbulls, the reason behind your blog name, your favorite book or book series, or your thought on Greek life!  I would love to hear your thoughts.