It Gets Better


You may not always end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you are meant to be. – Unknown.

Over these past few months, my life has taken many unexpected twists and turns.  When I reflect back on a year ago, it’s amazing to see how much I’ve grown and learned about myself within those twists and turns.  For instance, I was just a recent college grad who was struggling to make money as a server for a catering company at this time last year.  To anyone struggling at the moment, it’s important for you to know that it gets better.

It was about this time last year when I received an internship and a freelance writing position, both online, to help me move forward with my dreams.  The internship was short-lived (I learned quickly it wasn’t for me), but the freelance writing filled my heart with happiness as I was finally getting paid to do something that I love.

In December, I was on the phone with my dad hysterically crying about my life and how it was anything but what I expected life to be life after graduating.  I was physically worn out from working insane hours during the Holiday season at the catering company, and stressed due to the lack of articles the freelance writing company was giving me (I later found out they were going in a different direction with their freelance writing- but not before I sent them an e-mail a month later asking if they forgot about me.  Poor professionalism in my personal opinion.).  Sure, the part time job with bi-weekly paychecks and lenient bosses who approved of almost any time off that you requested was incredibly nice.  The hours, however, were not, especially in the slow periods of the year.  During the hustle and bustle of the fast-paced Christmas season, I knew that I needed to find a new path and as soon as possible.

My dad has always been one with words, and he gave me some great advice after listening to me cry for an hour.  He told me that I’m only 22.  I have my whole life ahead of me.  Accepting a job outside of my immediate field right away isn’t necessarily a bad thing- not only will I have a more solid paycheck, but I’ll be gaining experience.  He explained that I’m still young enough to get a job doing what I would like to do, as long as I never let it out of my sight and continue to work towards it.  Being so young allows a multitude of opportunities to present themselves as long as I’m willing to keep an open mind.  And that’s what I did.

It was then that I started creating multiple paths for myself.  I applied to Grad School, various jobs, and looked into employment agencies.  By February of this year, I had two interviews lined up through an employment agency and I was accepted into Grad School for a Master’s Degree in English.

The only way I could afford Grad School was if I received a Graduate Assistantship position.  Then, if I accepted one, the Grad School I was accepted to only paid a slim stipend of a maximum of $4,000 or $5,000 per year.

I never heard back about GA positions until May, when I already accepted a temp-to-hire position as a transcriptionist with a law firm in my area.  I debated whether I should accept it, but considering working part-time wasn’t cutting it anymore, I had to make the decision fast.  I compared the $4,000 to $5,000 stipend to my hourly wage, and taking the transcription position over going back to school seemed like the right path for me to travel down.

It’s now only a short-time later at the law firm and I’m full-time with benefits, and on top of that, two weeks ago I received my first “promotion.”  I’m no longer a transcriptionist- I’m now a legal secretary!  On top of that, the part of the firm I’m working with is a small medical malpractice who merged with us in May and are some of the greatest coworkers I’ve ever had.  It seems like it can’t get any better, right?

Wrong.  One of the attorneys in the med malpractice firm is not only encouraging me to follow my dreams as a journalist; he’s helping me find a way there.  A few days ago, he met with me and told me straight up that he wants me to do something that I actually love to do, not live day by day.  He told me that somehow he would help get me there, as long as I don’t mind being patient.  He has already presented an opportunity to me that could definitely help my future as a writer, but I don’t want to jinx anything before I know if it’s possible.

On top of all of the achievements in my professional world, my personal life has been getting better every day. I never thought I would fall in love with someone, especially at a young age, because of how self-conscious I was by always comparing myself to others.  I never thought my life would get any better in this aspect, but two years and some months ago, I was proven wrong all because a silly boy who was completely intoxicated just happened to land beside me on a couch at a sorority formal.

Fast forward to May 2015, when I went back to my Alma Mater to see my now boyfriend of two years graduate with both my family and his.  It was a great day as I was seeing old friends and faculty who will forever hold a special place in my heart.  Little did I know it was about to get better.

At my graduation, it hailed in 60 degree weather.  At my boyfriend’s graduation, it decided to downpour for a solid fifteen minutes which started shortly after he walked across the stage to receive his diploma.  We all ran for cover into the corridor of the main building on campus, called “Old Main.”  (Picture the outside corridors in Harry Potter– shout out to this blogger for capturing this beautiful view.)  I didn’t pay any mind to everyone gathering around me; I assumed it was all because of the rain, and that it was crowded because of the plethora of alumni, faculty, staff, family and students who had to somehow fit in the space to be sheltered from the storm.

Kyle ran to find his aunt who was lost in the sea of people, but I thought nothing of it because I knew we were all going out to eat after his graduation.  I spoke to my Alpha Xi Delta sisters and friends and family who were surrounding me about the rain, and how ironic it was that two years in a row we had awful weather for graduation.

Next thing I know, I see Kyle running up to me with a nervous expression on his face until he said my name.

“Emily,” he said as he got down on one knee.  “This is not how this was supposed to go because the rain ruined everything but I love you….will you marry me?”

I bawled.


Cried of happiness for a solid ten minutes.  Shaking and smiling and my stomach bursting with butterflies because I was overjoyed.


He made me the happiest girl in the world that day, and continues to make me happier every day that we’re together.  He’s one of a kind, that’s for sure.


Nothing about our relationship has been conventional, and that makes it all the better.  The fact that everything was so rushed and so quick- it was absolutely perfect.  He later told me during our long four hour drive home his actual plan- to propose by the fountain, his elaborate speech that he had been mentally preparing for days, weeks, months.  Everyone congratulated us afterwards and told me how they all knew for months, some even for as long as a year.  Even though I know I’m still young and that I have my whole life ahead of me, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that Kyle is the perfect guy for me.  I feel even luckier to find him at such a young age because that just means that I have longer to spend with him.

I’m thankful to have someone who pushes all of my insecurities aside, who makes me feel like the most loved person in the world, who will do anything for me, who makes me laugh almost every moment we’re together, who listens and gives so much to anyone and everyone around him without asking a thing in return and who proves to me every day that it/life gets better.

Here’s a picture of the fountain where he was going to propose (not taken by me- found on Google): fountain-450x300

To anyone who is struggling to find a job after graduation, who is bothered by their self-image, or is upset about anything else in life- it does get better.  I hope my story (and update on my life) can be accepted as proof.  If you would have told me two years ago that I would be working at a law firm while living with my fiance in an apartment in a town two hours from where I was born and raised, I wouldn’t have believed you, and I probably would have laughed.  However, I’m realizing now that, at this moment, this is exactly where I’m meant to be.

Friendly Friday: Feeling like I belong


I was definitely nervous starting my new job.  I’m a relatively shy person (karate brought me out of my shell but I’m still shy around new people) so I didn’t know how it would be interacting with new coworkers and people I’ve never met before.

But this week has showed me how fortunate I am to have found a group of people at a law firm that make me feel like I belong.  I feel included and like they appreciate the work that I’m doing.  They don’t make me feel weird by being so new.  In fact, they recently hired a few attorneys, so a few people there are still getting the hang of everything in the office.  I can even have conversations with them when they come to my desk, like an older woman who came up and asked me about my day/how I was doing and then we talked about traveling, moving and retirement.  I also had an attorney come up and talk about me choosing Duke to win the national championship because he’s also a Duke fan, so it was nice talking to another person who likes Duke (aside from my other friends who like them, too).  It was also just nice talking to these people about things other than work.

I even received a compliment the other night by one of my coworkers who told me I had really pretty skin and it looked awesome under the light in our office.  So that honestly made my day.  I have relatively low self-esteem (something I’m constantly working on so it doesn’t get the best of me) so hearing things like this from people other than those that I’m close to is really nice and it made me feel really confident the rest of the day.

So anyway, basically the people I work with are great and I’m really excited that I get the chance to work with them every day.  Even though the work I do is tedious, they make my days more enjoyable by little snippets of conversations that I have with them randomly throughout the day. 🙂

Special Sunday: Prepping for my new job


Hey everyone! I’m apologizing for not posting again yesterday. This whole week has been constant running around and barely getting back before 11 PM because of a lot of serious personal reasons.  I’m not using that as an excuse, but this week has been extremely stressful and I wasn’t able to use my creativeness to come up with a story yesterday.

Anyway, tomorrow I start my new job at a law firm as a transcriptionist and I’m extremely nervous!  Like the rest of the week, I’ve been running around all day so I haven’t had the chance to just relax and wind down and focus on tomorrow. I don’t even have my outfit picked out yet! It’s definitely nice to have so many options for outfits, but now I just don’t even know what to pick.

Despite being nervous, I’m very excited to start working tomorrow! I went out and bought a cute lunch tote at Target, along with healthy snacks to keep me energized throughout the day, and then a few plastic containers to carry said snacks/sandwiches/hot and cold foods in.  So that definitely makes it exciting.  I feel like a kid on their first day of school again.

I’m giving myself a whopping two hours to get ready in the morning just so I can make sure to have enough time to get ready slowly and take my time versus rushing around and barely making it there on time because that would obviously look terrible on my first day.  I have the option to either go in at 8 or 8:30 and I’m choosing 8:30 just so I have a little longer to sleep in.  Days where I don’t make my lunch and plan on getting it elsewhere I’ll have a little longer to sleep in which will be ideal and much needed.  Hopefully all of those healthy snacks will keep me energized and motivated.

Whenever I blog about the book I’m currently reading tomorrow, I’ll make sure to blog about my first day!  I’m so excited to meet my coworkers and to have a good first day there!

Thankful Tuesday: My job


My first Thankful Tuesday post was incredibly easy for me to come up with.  Over the past eight months, I’ve worked at a catering company as a server…definitely not the job I wanted coming out of college with a Communications degree.  But nonetheless, they were the first company who reached out to me after sending them my resume, so I figured I’d give it a shot until I found something better.  This job was only supposed to be temporary, but I found out that finding a job in my field was a lot harder than I previously thought.  I soon began taking a Ron Swanson view on life, as seen below:


I tried to stay positive and did everything I could to find something, even if it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do. I sent my resume to numerous people, only to be ignored or denied by all of them because of one crucial thing I lacked: experience

the fuck

How am I supposed to gain experience if no one will hire me?  I can’t be hired because I don’t have experience but in order to get experience I have to get hired.  It’s a catch-22. I spent many days trying to figure out a new approach.  I actually found an internship with a company that was all online, along with freelance writing.  Now I did both of those for two months or more, and I figured they would help me land some jobs in my career.


I was definitely wrong again.  So then I discussed with family members and other people that I’m close to about some different approaches I could take now that my second idea wasn’t working.  They helped me realize that maybe going through a staffing agency to find work would be a better idea, and to keep an open mind with any position that may come up.


A few days after I applied for the staffing agency, I interviewed with them and they took me on as a client.  Only a few days later did I find my dream job.  Communications coordinator.  I thought I had a great shot at this position, despite being so young and only having my experience from school to represent my abilities.  Unfortunately, I found out that they chose someone else for the position after I felt like I had a very successful interview with them.


David Tennant is me. I am David Tennant. Or I was when I found out the news about not getting the communications coordinator job.  I just felt like I would’ve been perfect for said job, but my lack of experience is what killed my chances.  But the staffing agency continued to call me about jobs while I was waiting to hear back and actually the day before hearing that I didn’t get the communications coordinator job, I went on an interview at a law firm for a transcriptionist position.  So basically my job will be typing.

typing gif

But at least it’s at a law firm, right?  I’ve heard that graduates with law degrees can’t even get into law firms.  Plus I’ve always been interested in law; I’ve just never practiced it/took classes (except for one) for it because I’ve always loved Communications more.  Regardless, went to my interview looking pretty snazzy and feeling confident in my abilities to type and work well with others, and apparently I nailed it!  The very next day I got offered the position.


So once again, it isn’t exactly where I want to be and it’s not the greatest salary in the world, but it’s definitely over minimum wage and I’ll be able to save up money by working there.  Also after 3 months I have a good opportunity to get a raise because the first three months I’m technically working under the staffing agency and if the law firm likes me/I do everything well, I’ll get hired officially and probably get a pay raise.  (Companies only pay staffing agencies so much for clients so the law firm will most likely pay me more once they hire me directly under them in 3 months…which they already said they would do.)  I liked the people who I met with and I’m sure I’ll get along with everyone else in the law firm.  I’m very excited and thankful for this opportunity.  I’ll have normal working hours (as opposed to the catering job) that will help me structure my days better and get the most done.  Also I’m kind of excited to just dress up every day!


But lately I’ve been thinking about how things could’ve been much worse during these past several months of trying to find a job suited for me.  I’m thankful to even have had a job, which is more than what some college graduates can say.  I’m also thankful that I saved up enough money while working at the catering company to be comfortable in paying off my student loans since December and never having to ask my parents for money.  I’m very thankful for being able to get everyone in my family and my boyfriend’s immediate family Christmas gifts, especially since this was the first year I was able to do that.  And now I’m thankful for getting a new opportunity at a great law firm where I’ll be able to save even more money and not have to live paycheck to paycheck.

It can only go up from here.
